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Wed, 07/17/2019 - 15:58


– Ultrasound is a reasonable first step for the evaluation of postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial thickness up to 5 mm, according to James Shwayder, MD, JD.

About a third of such patients presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) will have an endometrial polyp or submucous myoma, Dr. Shwayder explained during a presentation at the annual clinical and scientific meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

However, recurrent bleeding warrants further work-up, he said.

An endometrial thickness of 5 mm or greater should trigger further evaluation, according to a 2018 ACOG Committee Opinion on the role of transvaginal ultrasound for endometrial evaluation in women with postmenopausal bleeding. The 5-mm value is based on a number of studies, which, in sum, show that the negative predictive value for cancer for endometrial thickness less than 4 mm is greater than 99%, said Dr. Shwayder, chief of the division of gynecology and director of the fellowship in advanced endoscopy obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health at the University of Louisville (Ky.).

“In fact ... the risk of cancer is 1 in 917,” he added. “That’s pretty good ... that’s a great screening tool.”

The question is whether one can feel comfortable foregoing biopsy in such cases, he said, describing a 61-year-old patient with a 3.9-mm endometrium and AUB for 3 days, 3 weeks prior to her visit.

There are two possibilities: The patient will either have no further bleeding, or she will continue to bleed, he said, noting that a 2003 Swedish study provides some guidance in the case of continued bleeding (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188:401-8).

The investigators initially looked at histology associated with endometrial thickness in 394 postmenopausal women referred for AUB between 1987 and 1990. Both transvaginal ultrasound and dilatation and curettage were performed, and the findings were correlated.

“But they had the rare opportunity to take patients who had benign evaluations and bring them back 10 years later,” Dr. Shwayder said. “What they found was that, regardless of the endometrial thickness, if it was benign initially and they did not bleed over that 10-year period, no one had cancer.”

However, among the patients followed for 10 years who had recurrent bleeding, 10% had cancer and 12% had hyperplasia. Thus, deciding against a biopsy in this case is supported by good data; if the patient doesn’t bleed, she has an “incredibly low risk of cancer,” he said.

“If they bleed again, you’ve gotta work ‘em up,” he stressed. “Don’t continue to say, ‘Well, let me repeat the ultrasound and see if it’s thinner or thicker.’ No. They need to be evaluated.”

Keep in mind that if a biopsy is performed as the first step, the chances of the results coming back as tissue insufficient for diagnosis (TIFD) are increased, and a repeat biopsy will be necessary because of the inconclusive findings, Dr. Shwayder said. It helps to warn a patient in advance that their thin endometrium makes it highly likely that a repeat biopsy will be necessary, as 90% come back as TIFD or atrophy.

Importantly, though, ACOG says endometrial sampling should be performed first line in patients over age 45 years with AUB.

“I’ll be honest – I use ultrasound in these patients because of the fact that a third will have some sort of structural defect, and the focal abnormalities are things we’re not going to be able to pick up with a straight biopsy, but we have to be cognizant that the college recommends biopsy in this population,” Dr. Shwayder said.



Asymptomatic endometrial thickening

Postmenopausal women are increasingly being referred for asymptomatic endometrial thickening that is found incidentally during an unrelated evaluation, Dr. Shwayder said, noting that evidence to date on how to approach such cases is conflicting.

Although ACOG is working on a recommendation, none is currently available, he said.

However, a 2001 study comparing 123 asymptomatic patients with 90 symptomatic patients, all with an endometrial thickness of greater than 10 mm, found no prognostic advantage to screening versus waiting until bleeding occurred, he noted (Euro J Cancer. 2001;37:64-71).

Overall, 13% of the patients had cancer, 50% had polyps, and 17% had hyperplasia.

“But what they emphasized was ... the length [of time] the patients complained of abnormal uterine bleeding. If it was less than 8 weeks ... there was no statistical difference in outcome, but if it was over 8 weeks there was a statistically significant difference in the grade of disease – a prognostic advantage for those patients who were screened versus symptomatic.”

The overall 5-year disease-free survival was 86% for asymptomatic versus 77% for symptomatic patients; for those with bleeding for less than 8 weeks, it was 98% versus 83%, respectively. The differences were not statistically different. However, for those with bleeding for 8-16 weeks it was 90% versus 74%, and for those with bleeding for more than 16 weeks it was 69% versus 62%, respectively, and those differences were statistically significant.

The problem is that many patients put off coming in for a long time, which means they are in a category with a worse prognosis when they do come in, Dr. Shwayder said. That’s not to say everyone should be screened, but there is no prognostic advantage to screening asymptomatic patients versus symptomatic patients who had bleeding for less than 8 weeks.

“It’s a little clarification, but I think an important one,” he noted.

Another study of 1,607 patients with endometrial thickening, including 233 who were asymptomatic and 1,374 who were symptomatic, found a lower rate of deep invasion with stage 1 disease, but no difference in the rate of more advanced disease, and no association with a more favorable outcome between the groups. (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219[2]:183e1-6).

Additionally, a study of 42 asymptomatic patients, 95 symptomatic patients with bleeding for less than 3 months, and 83 symptomatic patients with bleeding for more than 3 months showed a nonsignificant trend toward poorer 5-year survival in patients with a longer history of bleeding prior to surgery (Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013;288:1361-4).

“So now the question becomes how thick is too thick [and whether there is] some threshold where we ought to be evaluating patients and some threshold where we’re not,” he said.

The risk of malignancy among symptomatic postmenopausal women with an endometrial thickness greater than 5 mm is 7.3%, and the risk is similar at 6.7% in asymptomatic patients with an endometrial thickness of 11 mm or greater, according to a 2004 study by Smith-Bindman et al. (Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2004;24:558-65).

“So the thought process here is that if a patient is asymptomatic, but the endometrium is over 11 mm, maybe we ought to evaluate that patient, because her risk of cancer is equivalent to that of someone who presents with postmenopausal bleeding and has an endometrium greater than 5 mm,” he explained.

In fact, a practice guideline from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada recommends that women with endometrial thickness over 11 mm and other risk factors for cancer – such as obesity, hypertension, or late menopause – should be referred to a gynecologist for investigation, Dr. Shwayder said, adding that he also considers increased vascularity, heterogeneity in the endometrium, and fluid seen on a scan as cause for further evaluation.

“But endometrial sampling without bleeding should not be routinely performed,” he said. “So don’t routinely [sample] but based on risk factors and ultrasound findings, you may want to consider evaluating these patients further.”

Dr. Shwayder is a consultant for GE Ultrasound.



– Ultrasound is a reasonable first step for the evaluation of postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial thickness up to 5 mm, according to James Shwayder, MD, JD.

About a third of such patients presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) will have an endometrial polyp or submucous myoma, Dr. Shwayder explained during a presentation at the annual clinical and scientific meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

However, recurrent bleeding warrants further work-up, he said.

An endometrial thickness of 5 mm or greater should trigger further evaluation, according to a 2018 ACOG Committee Opinion on the role of transvaginal ultrasound for endometrial evaluation in women with postmenopausal bleeding. The 5-mm value is based on a number of studies, which, in sum, show that the negative predictive value for cancer for endometrial thickness less than 4 mm is greater than 99%, said Dr. Shwayder, chief of the division of gynecology and director of the fellowship in advanced endoscopy obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health at the University of Louisville (Ky.).

“In fact ... the risk of cancer is 1 in 917,” he added. “That’s pretty good ... that’s a great screening tool.”

The question is whether one can feel comfortable foregoing biopsy in such cases, he said, describing a 61-year-old patient with a 3.9-mm endometrium and AUB for 3 days, 3 weeks prior to her visit.

There are two possibilities: The patient will either have no further bleeding, or she will continue to bleed, he said, noting that a 2003 Swedish study provides some guidance in the case of continued bleeding (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188:401-8).

The investigators initially looked at histology associated with endometrial thickness in 394 postmenopausal women referred for AUB between 1987 and 1990. Both transvaginal ultrasound and dilatation and curettage were performed, and the findings were correlated.

“But they had the rare opportunity to take patients who had benign evaluations and bring them back 10 years later,” Dr. Shwayder said. “What they found was that, regardless of the endometrial thickness, if it was benign initially and they did not bleed over that 10-year period, no one had cancer.”

However, among the patients followed for 10 years who had recurrent bleeding, 10% had cancer and 12% had hyperplasia. Thus, deciding against a biopsy in this case is supported by good data; if the patient doesn’t bleed, she has an “incredibly low risk of cancer,” he said.

“If they bleed again, you’ve gotta work ‘em up,” he stressed. “Don’t continue to say, ‘Well, let me repeat the ultrasound and see if it’s thinner or thicker.’ No. They need to be evaluated.”

Keep in mind that if a biopsy is performed as the first step, the chances of the results coming back as tissue insufficient for diagnosis (TIFD) are increased, and a repeat biopsy will be necessary because of the inconclusive findings, Dr. Shwayder said. It helps to warn a patient in advance that their thin endometrium makes it highly likely that a repeat biopsy will be necessary, as 90% come back as TIFD or atrophy.

Importantly, though, ACOG says endometrial sampling should be performed first line in patients over age 45 years with AUB.

“I’ll be honest – I use ultrasound in these patients because of the fact that a third will have some sort of structural defect, and the focal abnormalities are things we’re not going to be able to pick up with a straight biopsy, but we have to be cognizant that the college recommends biopsy in this population,” Dr. Shwayder said.



Asymptomatic endometrial thickening

Postmenopausal women are increasingly being referred for asymptomatic endometrial thickening that is found incidentally during an unrelated evaluation, Dr. Shwayder said, noting that evidence to date on how to approach such cases is conflicting.

Although ACOG is working on a recommendation, none is currently available, he said.

However, a 2001 study comparing 123 asymptomatic patients with 90 symptomatic patients, all with an endometrial thickness of greater than 10 mm, found no prognostic advantage to screening versus waiting until bleeding occurred, he noted (Euro J Cancer. 2001;37:64-71).

Overall, 13% of the patients had cancer, 50% had polyps, and 17% had hyperplasia.

“But what they emphasized was ... the length [of time] the patients complained of abnormal uterine bleeding. If it was less than 8 weeks ... there was no statistical difference in outcome, but if it was over 8 weeks there was a statistically significant difference in the grade of disease – a prognostic advantage for those patients who were screened versus symptomatic.”

The overall 5-year disease-free survival was 86% for asymptomatic versus 77% for symptomatic patients; for those with bleeding for less than 8 weeks, it was 98% versus 83%, respectively. The differences were not statistically different. However, for those with bleeding for 8-16 weeks it was 90% versus 74%, and for those with bleeding for more than 16 weeks it was 69% versus 62%, respectively, and those differences were statistically significant.

The problem is that many patients put off coming in for a long time, which means they are in a category with a worse prognosis when they do come in, Dr. Shwayder said. That’s not to say everyone should be screened, but there is no prognostic advantage to screening asymptomatic patients versus symptomatic patients who had bleeding for less than 8 weeks.

“It’s a little clarification, but I think an important one,” he noted.

Another study of 1,607 patients with endometrial thickening, including 233 who were asymptomatic and 1,374 who were symptomatic, found a lower rate of deep invasion with stage 1 disease, but no difference in the rate of more advanced disease, and no association with a more favorable outcome between the groups. (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219[2]:183e1-6).

Additionally, a study of 42 asymptomatic patients, 95 symptomatic patients with bleeding for less than 3 months, and 83 symptomatic patients with bleeding for more than 3 months showed a nonsignificant trend toward poorer 5-year survival in patients with a longer history of bleeding prior to surgery (Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013;288:1361-4).

“So now the question becomes how thick is too thick [and whether there is] some threshold where we ought to be evaluating patients and some threshold where we’re not,” he said.

The risk of malignancy among symptomatic postmenopausal women with an endometrial thickness greater than 5 mm is 7.3%, and the risk is similar at 6.7% in asymptomatic patients with an endometrial thickness of 11 mm or greater, according to a 2004 study by Smith-Bindman et al. (Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2004;24:558-65).

“So the thought process here is that if a patient is asymptomatic, but the endometrium is over 11 mm, maybe we ought to evaluate that patient, because her risk of cancer is equivalent to that of someone who presents with postmenopausal bleeding and has an endometrium greater than 5 mm,” he explained.

In fact, a practice guideline from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada recommends that women with endometrial thickness over 11 mm and other risk factors for cancer – such as obesity, hypertension, or late menopause – should be referred to a gynecologist for investigation, Dr. Shwayder said, adding that he also considers increased vascularity, heterogeneity in the endometrium, and fluid seen on a scan as cause for further evaluation.

“But endometrial sampling without bleeding should not be routinely performed,” he said. “So don’t routinely [sample] but based on risk factors and ultrasound findings, you may want to consider evaluating these patients further.”

Dr. Shwayder is a consultant for GE Ultrasound.


– Ultrasound is a reasonable first step for the evaluation of postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial thickness up to 5 mm, according to James Shwayder, MD, JD.

About a third of such patients presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) will have an endometrial polyp or submucous myoma, Dr. Shwayder explained during a presentation at the annual clinical and scientific meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

However, recurrent bleeding warrants further work-up, he said.

An endometrial thickness of 5 mm or greater should trigger further evaluation, according to a 2018 ACOG Committee Opinion on the role of transvaginal ultrasound for endometrial evaluation in women with postmenopausal bleeding. The 5-mm value is based on a number of studies, which, in sum, show that the negative predictive value for cancer for endometrial thickness less than 4 mm is greater than 99%, said Dr. Shwayder, chief of the division of gynecology and director of the fellowship in advanced endoscopy obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health at the University of Louisville (Ky.).

“In fact ... the risk of cancer is 1 in 917,” he added. “That’s pretty good ... that’s a great screening tool.”

The question is whether one can feel comfortable foregoing biopsy in such cases, he said, describing a 61-year-old patient with a 3.9-mm endometrium and AUB for 3 days, 3 weeks prior to her visit.

There are two possibilities: The patient will either have no further bleeding, or she will continue to bleed, he said, noting that a 2003 Swedish study provides some guidance in the case of continued bleeding (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188:401-8).

The investigators initially looked at histology associated with endometrial thickness in 394 postmenopausal women referred for AUB between 1987 and 1990. Both transvaginal ultrasound and dilatation and curettage were performed, and the findings were correlated.

“But they had the rare opportunity to take patients who had benign evaluations and bring them back 10 years later,” Dr. Shwayder said. “What they found was that, regardless of the endometrial thickness, if it was benign initially and they did not bleed over that 10-year period, no one had cancer.”

However, among the patients followed for 10 years who had recurrent bleeding, 10% had cancer and 12% had hyperplasia. Thus, deciding against a biopsy in this case is supported by good data; if the patient doesn’t bleed, she has an “incredibly low risk of cancer,” he said.

“If they bleed again, you’ve gotta work ‘em up,” he stressed. “Don’t continue to say, ‘Well, let me repeat the ultrasound and see if it’s thinner or thicker.’ No. They need to be evaluated.”

Keep in mind that if a biopsy is performed as the first step, the chances of the results coming back as tissue insufficient for diagnosis (TIFD) are increased, and a repeat biopsy will be necessary because of the inconclusive findings, Dr. Shwayder said. It helps to warn a patient in advance that their thin endometrium makes it highly likely that a repeat biopsy will be necessary, as 90% come back as TIFD or atrophy.

Importantly, though, ACOG says endometrial sampling should be performed first line in patients over age 45 years with AUB.

“I’ll be honest – I use ultrasound in these patients because of the fact that a third will have some sort of structural defect, and the focal abnormalities are things we’re not going to be able to pick up with a straight biopsy, but we have to be cognizant that the college recommends biopsy in this population,” Dr. Shwayder said.



Asymptomatic endometrial thickening

Postmenopausal women are increasingly being referred for asymptomatic endometrial thickening that is found incidentally during an unrelated evaluation, Dr. Shwayder said, noting that evidence to date on how to approach such cases is conflicting.

Although ACOG is working on a recommendation, none is currently available, he said.

However, a 2001 study comparing 123 asymptomatic patients with 90 symptomatic patients, all with an endometrial thickness of greater than 10 mm, found no prognostic advantage to screening versus waiting until bleeding occurred, he noted (Euro J Cancer. 2001;37:64-71).

Overall, 13% of the patients had cancer, 50% had polyps, and 17% had hyperplasia.

“But what they emphasized was ... the length [of time] the patients complained of abnormal uterine bleeding. If it was less than 8 weeks ... there was no statistical difference in outcome, but if it was over 8 weeks there was a statistically significant difference in the grade of disease – a prognostic advantage for those patients who were screened versus symptomatic.”

The overall 5-year disease-free survival was 86% for asymptomatic versus 77% for symptomatic patients; for those with bleeding for less than 8 weeks, it was 98% versus 83%, respectively. The differences were not statistically different. However, for those with bleeding for 8-16 weeks it was 90% versus 74%, and for those with bleeding for more than 16 weeks it was 69% versus 62%, respectively, and those differences were statistically significant.

The problem is that many patients put off coming in for a long time, which means they are in a category with a worse prognosis when they do come in, Dr. Shwayder said. That’s not to say everyone should be screened, but there is no prognostic advantage to screening asymptomatic patients versus symptomatic patients who had bleeding for less than 8 weeks.

“It’s a little clarification, but I think an important one,” he noted.

Another study of 1,607 patients with endometrial thickening, including 233 who were asymptomatic and 1,374 who were symptomatic, found a lower rate of deep invasion with stage 1 disease, but no difference in the rate of more advanced disease, and no association with a more favorable outcome between the groups. (Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219[2]:183e1-6).

Additionally, a study of 42 asymptomatic patients, 95 symptomatic patients with bleeding for less than 3 months, and 83 symptomatic patients with bleeding for more than 3 months showed a nonsignificant trend toward poorer 5-year survival in patients with a longer history of bleeding prior to surgery (Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013;288:1361-4).

“So now the question becomes how thick is too thick [and whether there is] some threshold where we ought to be evaluating patients and some threshold where we’re not,” he said.

The risk of malignancy among symptomatic postmenopausal women with an endometrial thickness greater than 5 mm is 7.3%, and the risk is similar at 6.7% in asymptomatic patients with an endometrial thickness of 11 mm or greater, according to a 2004 study by Smith-Bindman et al. (Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2004;24:558-65).

“So the thought process here is that if a patient is asymptomatic, but the endometrium is over 11 mm, maybe we ought to evaluate that patient, because her risk of cancer is equivalent to that of someone who presents with postmenopausal bleeding and has an endometrium greater than 5 mm,” he explained.

In fact, a practice guideline from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada recommends that women with endometrial thickness over 11 mm and other risk factors for cancer – such as obesity, hypertension, or late menopause – should be referred to a gynecologist for investigation, Dr. Shwayder said, adding that he also considers increased vascularity, heterogeneity in the endometrium, and fluid seen on a scan as cause for further evaluation.

“But endometrial sampling without bleeding should not be routinely performed,” he said. “So don’t routinely [sample] but based on risk factors and ultrasound findings, you may want to consider evaluating these patients further.”

Dr. Shwayder is a consultant for GE Ultrasound.

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