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Tue, 05/26/2020 - 14:10

Patients with rosacea should receive treatments based on their phenotype and specific symptoms, instead of being assigned into artificially distinct subtype categories, as was previously practiced, according to an update on options for managing rosacea published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The update, by the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee, is based on a review of the evidence, and is a follow-up to the classification system for rosacea that was updated in 2017, which recommended classification of rosacea based on phenotype (Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78:148-155).

The key take-away is “that patients shouldn’t be classified as having a certain subtype of rosacea” since “many patients have features that overlap more than one subtype,” lead author of the management update, Diane Thiboutot, MD, professor of dermatology and associate dean of clinical and translational research education at Penn State University, Hershey, said in an interview.

“There is an opportunity for physicians to recognize that the symptom complex of rosacea differs widely and treatments should be selected to address the symptoms experienced by the patient, particularly with regard to ocular rosacea,” she said.

Until there were updated guidelines on rosacea classification, published in 2018, relying primarily on diagnostic subtypes “tended to limit consideration of the full range of potential signs and symptoms as well as the frequent simultaneous occurrence of more than one subtype or the potential progression from one subtype to another,” Dr. Thiboutot and coauthors wrote in the management update (J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82:1501-10).

“The more we learn, the more complex rosacea becomes,” she said in the interview. “The clinical manifestations of rosacea are so varied, ranging from skin erythema, eye findings, papules and pustules to rhinophyma, [that] it calls into question, if all of these are actually one disease (rosacea) or if they represent localized reaction patterns to a multitude of stimuli that vary among individuals.”

Etiology and impact

Dr. Thiboutot and colleagues summarized the management options and recommendations from a committee of 27 experts who assessed the data on rosacea therapies using the updated standard classification system. They also highlighted the suspected systemic nature of rosacea etiology and its psychosocial impact on those with the condition.

“Recent studies have found an association between rosacea and increased risk of a growing number of systemic disorders, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and autoimmune diseases as well as certain types of cancer,” the authors wrote. “These findings further elevate the clinical significance of rosacea as growing evidence of its potential link with systemic inflammation is increasingly understood.”

Dr. Thiboutot said that research has implicated both the innate and adaptive immune systems and the neuromuscular system in rosacea’s underpinnings.

“Many of the triggers associated with clinical exacerbation of rosacea are known to activate the immune system and/or the neurovasculature, such as demodex, sunlight, alcohol, and changes in temperature,” she said, adding that therapies targeting the neurovascular effects of rosacea are particularly needed.

More than 50% of patients with rosacea have ocular manifestations, with symptoms such as “dryness, burning and stinging, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and foreign body sensation,” the authors reported.



Diagnosis and management

Without definitive laboratory tests, it’s essential that the clinical diagnosis takes into account not only the physical examination findings, but also patient history, the authors stressed, since “some features may not be visually evident or present at the time of the patient’s visit.”

The authors also recommend taking into account patients’ perception and response to their appearance and its effects on their emotional, social, and professional lives when selecting interventions.

“Rosacea’s unsightly and conspicuous appearance often has significant emotional ramifications, potentially resulting in depression or anxiety, and frequently interferes with social and occupational interactions,” the authors wrote. “It may also be advisable to remind patients that normalization of skin tone and color is the goal rather than complete eradication of facial coloration, which can leave the face with a sallow appearance.”

Therapy will often require multiple agents, such as topical and oral agents for inflammatory papules/pustules of rosacea. If insufficient, adjunctive therapy with oral antibiotics or retinoids may be options, though the latter requires prevention of pregnancy during treatment. The authors also discussed pharmacological treatments for facial erythema and flushing, with all these drugs organized in tables according to symptoms and their levels of evidence and effectiveness.

Despite limited clinical evidence, the authors noted success with two types of laser therapy – pulsed-dye and potassium titanyl phosphate – for telangiectasia and erythema. They also noted the option of intense pulsed light for flushing, ocular symptoms, and meibomian gland dysfunction, and of ablative lasers for rhinophymatous nose. But they highlighted the importance of being cautious when using these therapies on darker skin.

In their discussion of ocular rosacea, the authors described the various manifestations and the two “mainstays” of treatment: “eyelash hygiene and oral [omega-3] supplementation, followed by topical azithromycin or calcineurin inhibitors.” In addition to pharmacological and light therapy options, attention to environmental contributors and conscientious skin care regimens can benefit patients with rosacea as well.

“Clinicians may advise patients to keep a daily diary of lifestyle and environmental factors that appear to affect their rosacea to help identify and avoid their personal triggers,” the authors wrote. “The most common factors are sun exposure, emotional stress, hot weather, wind, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption, hot baths, cold weather, spicy foods, humidity, indoor heat, certain skin-care products, heated beverages, certain medications, medical conditions, certain fruits, marinated meats, certain vegetables, and dairy products.”

The paper also emphasizes the importance of gentle skin care given the highly sensitive and easily irritated skin of patients with rosacea. Sunscreen use, particularly with mineral sunscreens that provide physical barriers and reflect ultraviolet light, should be a key aspect of patients’ skin care, and clinicians should advise patients to seek out gentle, nonirritating cleansers.

Funding was provided by the National Rosacea Society, which receives funding from patients and corporations that include Aclaris Therapeutics, Allergan, Bayer, Cutanea Life Sciences, and Galderma Laboratories. Dr. Thiboutot consults for Galderma. Six of the other nine coauthors have financial links to industry through advisory boards, consulting, or research funding.

SOURCE: Thiboutot D et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1501-10.


Patients with rosacea should receive treatments based on their phenotype and specific symptoms, instead of being assigned into artificially distinct subtype categories, as was previously practiced, according to an update on options for managing rosacea published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The update, by the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee, is based on a review of the evidence, and is a follow-up to the classification system for rosacea that was updated in 2017, which recommended classification of rosacea based on phenotype (Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78:148-155).

The key take-away is “that patients shouldn’t be classified as having a certain subtype of rosacea” since “many patients have features that overlap more than one subtype,” lead author of the management update, Diane Thiboutot, MD, professor of dermatology and associate dean of clinical and translational research education at Penn State University, Hershey, said in an interview.

“There is an opportunity for physicians to recognize that the symptom complex of rosacea differs widely and treatments should be selected to address the symptoms experienced by the patient, particularly with regard to ocular rosacea,” she said.

Until there were updated guidelines on rosacea classification, published in 2018, relying primarily on diagnostic subtypes “tended to limit consideration of the full range of potential signs and symptoms as well as the frequent simultaneous occurrence of more than one subtype or the potential progression from one subtype to another,” Dr. Thiboutot and coauthors wrote in the management update (J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82:1501-10).

“The more we learn, the more complex rosacea becomes,” she said in the interview. “The clinical manifestations of rosacea are so varied, ranging from skin erythema, eye findings, papules and pustules to rhinophyma, [that] it calls into question, if all of these are actually one disease (rosacea) or if they represent localized reaction patterns to a multitude of stimuli that vary among individuals.”

Etiology and impact

Dr. Thiboutot and colleagues summarized the management options and recommendations from a committee of 27 experts who assessed the data on rosacea therapies using the updated standard classification system. They also highlighted the suspected systemic nature of rosacea etiology and its psychosocial impact on those with the condition.

“Recent studies have found an association between rosacea and increased risk of a growing number of systemic disorders, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and autoimmune diseases as well as certain types of cancer,” the authors wrote. “These findings further elevate the clinical significance of rosacea as growing evidence of its potential link with systemic inflammation is increasingly understood.”

Dr. Thiboutot said that research has implicated both the innate and adaptive immune systems and the neuromuscular system in rosacea’s underpinnings.

“Many of the triggers associated with clinical exacerbation of rosacea are known to activate the immune system and/or the neurovasculature, such as demodex, sunlight, alcohol, and changes in temperature,” she said, adding that therapies targeting the neurovascular effects of rosacea are particularly needed.

More than 50% of patients with rosacea have ocular manifestations, with symptoms such as “dryness, burning and stinging, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and foreign body sensation,” the authors reported.



Diagnosis and management

Without definitive laboratory tests, it’s essential that the clinical diagnosis takes into account not only the physical examination findings, but also patient history, the authors stressed, since “some features may not be visually evident or present at the time of the patient’s visit.”

The authors also recommend taking into account patients’ perception and response to their appearance and its effects on their emotional, social, and professional lives when selecting interventions.

“Rosacea’s unsightly and conspicuous appearance often has significant emotional ramifications, potentially resulting in depression or anxiety, and frequently interferes with social and occupational interactions,” the authors wrote. “It may also be advisable to remind patients that normalization of skin tone and color is the goal rather than complete eradication of facial coloration, which can leave the face with a sallow appearance.”

Therapy will often require multiple agents, such as topical and oral agents for inflammatory papules/pustules of rosacea. If insufficient, adjunctive therapy with oral antibiotics or retinoids may be options, though the latter requires prevention of pregnancy during treatment. The authors also discussed pharmacological treatments for facial erythema and flushing, with all these drugs organized in tables according to symptoms and their levels of evidence and effectiveness.

Despite limited clinical evidence, the authors noted success with two types of laser therapy – pulsed-dye and potassium titanyl phosphate – for telangiectasia and erythema. They also noted the option of intense pulsed light for flushing, ocular symptoms, and meibomian gland dysfunction, and of ablative lasers for rhinophymatous nose. But they highlighted the importance of being cautious when using these therapies on darker skin.

In their discussion of ocular rosacea, the authors described the various manifestations and the two “mainstays” of treatment: “eyelash hygiene and oral [omega-3] supplementation, followed by topical azithromycin or calcineurin inhibitors.” In addition to pharmacological and light therapy options, attention to environmental contributors and conscientious skin care regimens can benefit patients with rosacea as well.

“Clinicians may advise patients to keep a daily diary of lifestyle and environmental factors that appear to affect their rosacea to help identify and avoid their personal triggers,” the authors wrote. “The most common factors are sun exposure, emotional stress, hot weather, wind, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption, hot baths, cold weather, spicy foods, humidity, indoor heat, certain skin-care products, heated beverages, certain medications, medical conditions, certain fruits, marinated meats, certain vegetables, and dairy products.”

The paper also emphasizes the importance of gentle skin care given the highly sensitive and easily irritated skin of patients with rosacea. Sunscreen use, particularly with mineral sunscreens that provide physical barriers and reflect ultraviolet light, should be a key aspect of patients’ skin care, and clinicians should advise patients to seek out gentle, nonirritating cleansers.

Funding was provided by the National Rosacea Society, which receives funding from patients and corporations that include Aclaris Therapeutics, Allergan, Bayer, Cutanea Life Sciences, and Galderma Laboratories. Dr. Thiboutot consults for Galderma. Six of the other nine coauthors have financial links to industry through advisory boards, consulting, or research funding.

SOURCE: Thiboutot D et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1501-10.

Patients with rosacea should receive treatments based on their phenotype and specific symptoms, instead of being assigned into artificially distinct subtype categories, as was previously practiced, according to an update on options for managing rosacea published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The update, by the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee, is based on a review of the evidence, and is a follow-up to the classification system for rosacea that was updated in 2017, which recommended classification of rosacea based on phenotype (Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78:148-155).

The key take-away is “that patients shouldn’t be classified as having a certain subtype of rosacea” since “many patients have features that overlap more than one subtype,” lead author of the management update, Diane Thiboutot, MD, professor of dermatology and associate dean of clinical and translational research education at Penn State University, Hershey, said in an interview.

“There is an opportunity for physicians to recognize that the symptom complex of rosacea differs widely and treatments should be selected to address the symptoms experienced by the patient, particularly with regard to ocular rosacea,” she said.

Until there were updated guidelines on rosacea classification, published in 2018, relying primarily on diagnostic subtypes “tended to limit consideration of the full range of potential signs and symptoms as well as the frequent simultaneous occurrence of more than one subtype or the potential progression from one subtype to another,” Dr. Thiboutot and coauthors wrote in the management update (J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82:1501-10).

“The more we learn, the more complex rosacea becomes,” she said in the interview. “The clinical manifestations of rosacea are so varied, ranging from skin erythema, eye findings, papules and pustules to rhinophyma, [that] it calls into question, if all of these are actually one disease (rosacea) or if they represent localized reaction patterns to a multitude of stimuli that vary among individuals.”

Etiology and impact

Dr. Thiboutot and colleagues summarized the management options and recommendations from a committee of 27 experts who assessed the data on rosacea therapies using the updated standard classification system. They also highlighted the suspected systemic nature of rosacea etiology and its psychosocial impact on those with the condition.

“Recent studies have found an association between rosacea and increased risk of a growing number of systemic disorders, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and autoimmune diseases as well as certain types of cancer,” the authors wrote. “These findings further elevate the clinical significance of rosacea as growing evidence of its potential link with systemic inflammation is increasingly understood.”

Dr. Thiboutot said that research has implicated both the innate and adaptive immune systems and the neuromuscular system in rosacea’s underpinnings.

“Many of the triggers associated with clinical exacerbation of rosacea are known to activate the immune system and/or the neurovasculature, such as demodex, sunlight, alcohol, and changes in temperature,” she said, adding that therapies targeting the neurovascular effects of rosacea are particularly needed.

More than 50% of patients with rosacea have ocular manifestations, with symptoms such as “dryness, burning and stinging, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and foreign body sensation,” the authors reported.



Diagnosis and management

Without definitive laboratory tests, it’s essential that the clinical diagnosis takes into account not only the physical examination findings, but also patient history, the authors stressed, since “some features may not be visually evident or present at the time of the patient’s visit.”

The authors also recommend taking into account patients’ perception and response to their appearance and its effects on their emotional, social, and professional lives when selecting interventions.

“Rosacea’s unsightly and conspicuous appearance often has significant emotional ramifications, potentially resulting in depression or anxiety, and frequently interferes with social and occupational interactions,” the authors wrote. “It may also be advisable to remind patients that normalization of skin tone and color is the goal rather than complete eradication of facial coloration, which can leave the face with a sallow appearance.”

Therapy will often require multiple agents, such as topical and oral agents for inflammatory papules/pustules of rosacea. If insufficient, adjunctive therapy with oral antibiotics or retinoids may be options, though the latter requires prevention of pregnancy during treatment. The authors also discussed pharmacological treatments for facial erythema and flushing, with all these drugs organized in tables according to symptoms and their levels of evidence and effectiveness.

Despite limited clinical evidence, the authors noted success with two types of laser therapy – pulsed-dye and potassium titanyl phosphate – for telangiectasia and erythema. They also noted the option of intense pulsed light for flushing, ocular symptoms, and meibomian gland dysfunction, and of ablative lasers for rhinophymatous nose. But they highlighted the importance of being cautious when using these therapies on darker skin.

In their discussion of ocular rosacea, the authors described the various manifestations and the two “mainstays” of treatment: “eyelash hygiene and oral [omega-3] supplementation, followed by topical azithromycin or calcineurin inhibitors.” In addition to pharmacological and light therapy options, attention to environmental contributors and conscientious skin care regimens can benefit patients with rosacea as well.

“Clinicians may advise patients to keep a daily diary of lifestyle and environmental factors that appear to affect their rosacea to help identify and avoid their personal triggers,” the authors wrote. “The most common factors are sun exposure, emotional stress, hot weather, wind, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption, hot baths, cold weather, spicy foods, humidity, indoor heat, certain skin-care products, heated beverages, certain medications, medical conditions, certain fruits, marinated meats, certain vegetables, and dairy products.”

The paper also emphasizes the importance of gentle skin care given the highly sensitive and easily irritated skin of patients with rosacea. Sunscreen use, particularly with mineral sunscreens that provide physical barriers and reflect ultraviolet light, should be a key aspect of patients’ skin care, and clinicians should advise patients to seek out gentle, nonirritating cleansers.

Funding was provided by the National Rosacea Society, which receives funding from patients and corporations that include Aclaris Therapeutics, Allergan, Bayer, Cutanea Life Sciences, and Galderma Laboratories. Dr. Thiboutot consults for Galderma. Six of the other nine coauthors have financial links to industry through advisory boards, consulting, or research funding.

SOURCE: Thiboutot D et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1501-10.

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