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Fri, 04/12/2024 - 13:46

The first US clinical guidelines to diagnose and treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults are expected to be released this fall, providing patients, clinicians, insurers, and policymakers with a long overdue and much-needed standardized framework.

The initiative comes under the auspices of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD). David Goodman, MD, a member of the APSARD guidelines executive committee and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, noted that the US lags behind several other nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand who already have guidelines in place.

Dr. Goodman would not go into any detail as to why the country has been so slow off the mark but told this news organization that in part it has been due to a lack of specific funding. In addition, he said, “adult psychiatry abdicated responsibility for ADHD in adults.”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) would not comment, although a spokesperson said two of its members are working with APSARD on the guidelines.

Estimates show that there are 10-11 million American adults (4.4%) with ADHD, making it the second most common psychiatric disorder in adults.

Surveys show that mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, report a lack of familiarity with ADHD in adults, said Margaret Sibley, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and chair of the APSARD guidelines diagnostic and screening committee.

Many don’t consider an ADHD diagnosis in adults “because they were always trained to conceptualize it as something that’s relevant only in childhood,” Dr. Sibley told this new organization. However, research shows that people with ADHD do not outgrow the disorder.

“ADHD itself is still present and has unique problems associated with it in adults,” Dr. Sibley said.

Filling the Leadership Gap

Laurie Kulikosky, CEO of the advocacy group CHADD, said that the organization views the development of guidelines “as a huge step forward in the ability for more people to understand ADHD, particularly on the adult side.”

Oren Mason, MD, a primary care physician who specializes in ADHD at his Grand Rapids, Michigan-based practice, said “there hasn’t been a single specialty that has taken lead responsibility in adult ADHD,” which has contributed to the lag in guideline development.

In addition, Dr. Mason said, “trying to come up with adult guidelines even 5 or 10 years ago wouldn’t have yielded nearly as robust a set of guidelines because it’s taken awhile to have the evidence base to be able to make a few pronouncements really confidently.”

Not only has the evidence base grown but so has telehealth, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. That led to concerns that ADHD was not rigorously evaluated and that stimulants were prescribed too easily, said Dr. Goodman.

Several telehealth providers came under federal scrutiny, with the DEA accusing Cerebral’s pharmacy of dispensing stimulants for nonmedical reasons. The agency said that some 72,000 prescriptions for controlled substances, mostly stimulants, were written between 2020 and 2022.

APSARD felt it was time to act, said Dr. Goodman.

“We could not allow entrepreneurs who felt there was a business opportunity here to, under the auspices of advocating for mental health, increase the distribution of potentially addictive medications in the community,” he said



Ensuring Psychiatrist Buy-In

Development of the APSARD guidelines is led by Thomas Spencer, MD, a retired associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Frances Rudnick Levin, MD, the Kennedy-Leavy Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, both of whom have decades of experience and clinical work in adults with ADHD.

Dr. Goodman is joined on the executive committee by Lenard Adler, MD (NYU Grossman School of Medicine), and Stephen Faraone, PhD (SUNY Upstate Medical University), along with 30 others who have expertise in psychiatry, psychology, primary care, and other health professions.

To participate in the development of the guidelines, experts had to agree to disengage from any potential conflicts and devote themselves — unpaid — to the process, said Dr. Goodman. The goal is to head off any charges of conflicts or biases, he said.

Three subcommittees — diagnosis and assessment, medical treatment, and nonmedical treatment — will review the literature, grade the evidence base, and use the Delphi consensus method to write the draft guidelines.

The draft will go out to the public and to medical specialties for comment, which will be considered for inclusion in the final publication, said Dr. Goodman.

The guidelines panel has been working closely with the APA and following the APA guideline development process in an effort to get buy-in from psychiatrists, he said.

Critical Educational Tool

“Doctors are often surprised to hear that there are no guidelines for adult ADHD in the US,” said Ann Childress, MD, APSARD president, when the group announced its effort in 2023. “Whether diagnosis and treatment are provided in office or online, the standard of care should be the same throughout the country,” she said.

Guidelines will “reduce mythology and error or at least when we run into mythology and error we can say no, there’s a giant consensus with hundreds of experts that disagree with that and so if you want to counter that you better bring some heavy machinery, you can’t just throw out an opinion and leave it unsupported,” said Dr. Mason.

Dr. Sibley said that, although there are no good data, anecdotally it appears many clinicians rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) when treating adults with ADHD.

The DSM “tells people what they should do but it doesn’t exactly tell them what’s the best way to do it,” she said, adding that often physicians follow what they learned from whoever they were trained by.

“Some people have been trained by people who are well versed in best practices and so they might be doing things that we would say have a research support to them, and other people might be doing things based on people who developed their own opinions about the best way to diagnose ADHD based on lived experience which may or may not be best practices,” Dr. Sibley said.

Her subcommittee aims to offer guidance on screening “that will be helpful in primary care, in terms of what are the most efficient ways to do it” and to help with accuracy, she said. Currently, there are likely some clinicians who are making too liberal a diagnosis and others who are making too conservative a diagnosis, she said.

With so many clinicians — especially in primary care — having a lack of experience, the guidelines could increase “the ability for more different kinds of providers to help,” said Dr. Kulikosky.

Guidelines should also provide a template for ongoing education, especially for clinicians who have never received any training in ADHD.

Dr. Goodman said it is increasingly likely that primary care physicians will be writing more prescriptions for ADHD medications than psychiatrists. “If that is the trajectory, the education of those providers seeing these patients is critical,” he said.



Offering Standards, Dispelling Myths

Guidelines can also help “shorten the learning curve,” said Dr. Mason, who said that he’s had to piece together evidence over the last few decades. Once published, the standards can be used in residency, for board exams, and continuing medical education, he said.

Not only do they offer a “kind of a shortcut to what we all know and agree on,” they also specify where the edges of knowledge are, he said.

Guidelines can also dissuade clinicians from practices that have no evidence to support them, such as “medication holidays,” said Dr. Mason. That has been employed to give children, especially, a break from side effects, but studies have shown that it actually increases side effects, he said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley expect the guidelines to help with the challenge of diagnosis. Approximately 38% of adults with ADHD have a mood disorder and 48% have anxiety, said Dr. Goodman. Many others have coexisting posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, or medical illnesses that compound cognitive problems.

If an individual has several psychiatric conditions, “the question is how do you diagnostically prioritize which you treat first, second, and third, with the goal of treating one without making the others worse,” said Dr. Goodman.

“ADHD takes more detective work than other disorders,” said Dr. Sibley, adding that without an objective diagnostic and with overlaps with other comorbid disorders, “there are very complex issues that all of us wrestle with.”

While the guidelines will not provide algorithms, they will provide information that “will help guide them in the tougher diagnostic context,” she said.

Dr. Mason agreed. “It’s a complicated disorder to diagnose and treat. It’s hard for somebody to jump into it. [The guidelines] are going to give us — here’s what you really have to know, here’s what you have to do,” he said.

And it won’t just be clinicians who look to the guidelines. Calls to National Resource Center on ADHD — which CHADD runs for the federal government — from adults wanting to know more about their own condition “have increased exponentially” in the last few years, said Dr. Kulikosky. “We know adults are seeking out information, they are seeking out diagnosis and treatment,” she said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley reported no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Mason reported that he consults for Otsuka and is a speaker for Iron Shore.

A version of this article first appeared on


The first US clinical guidelines to diagnose and treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults are expected to be released this fall, providing patients, clinicians, insurers, and policymakers with a long overdue and much-needed standardized framework.

The initiative comes under the auspices of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD). David Goodman, MD, a member of the APSARD guidelines executive committee and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, noted that the US lags behind several other nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand who already have guidelines in place.

Dr. Goodman would not go into any detail as to why the country has been so slow off the mark but told this news organization that in part it has been due to a lack of specific funding. In addition, he said, “adult psychiatry abdicated responsibility for ADHD in adults.”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) would not comment, although a spokesperson said two of its members are working with APSARD on the guidelines.

Estimates show that there are 10-11 million American adults (4.4%) with ADHD, making it the second most common psychiatric disorder in adults.

Surveys show that mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, report a lack of familiarity with ADHD in adults, said Margaret Sibley, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and chair of the APSARD guidelines diagnostic and screening committee.

Many don’t consider an ADHD diagnosis in adults “because they were always trained to conceptualize it as something that’s relevant only in childhood,” Dr. Sibley told this new organization. However, research shows that people with ADHD do not outgrow the disorder.

“ADHD itself is still present and has unique problems associated with it in adults,” Dr. Sibley said.

Filling the Leadership Gap

Laurie Kulikosky, CEO of the advocacy group CHADD, said that the organization views the development of guidelines “as a huge step forward in the ability for more people to understand ADHD, particularly on the adult side.”

Oren Mason, MD, a primary care physician who specializes in ADHD at his Grand Rapids, Michigan-based practice, said “there hasn’t been a single specialty that has taken lead responsibility in adult ADHD,” which has contributed to the lag in guideline development.

In addition, Dr. Mason said, “trying to come up with adult guidelines even 5 or 10 years ago wouldn’t have yielded nearly as robust a set of guidelines because it’s taken awhile to have the evidence base to be able to make a few pronouncements really confidently.”

Not only has the evidence base grown but so has telehealth, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. That led to concerns that ADHD was not rigorously evaluated and that stimulants were prescribed too easily, said Dr. Goodman.

Several telehealth providers came under federal scrutiny, with the DEA accusing Cerebral’s pharmacy of dispensing stimulants for nonmedical reasons. The agency said that some 72,000 prescriptions for controlled substances, mostly stimulants, were written between 2020 and 2022.

APSARD felt it was time to act, said Dr. Goodman.

“We could not allow entrepreneurs who felt there was a business opportunity here to, under the auspices of advocating for mental health, increase the distribution of potentially addictive medications in the community,” he said



Ensuring Psychiatrist Buy-In

Development of the APSARD guidelines is led by Thomas Spencer, MD, a retired associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Frances Rudnick Levin, MD, the Kennedy-Leavy Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, both of whom have decades of experience and clinical work in adults with ADHD.

Dr. Goodman is joined on the executive committee by Lenard Adler, MD (NYU Grossman School of Medicine), and Stephen Faraone, PhD (SUNY Upstate Medical University), along with 30 others who have expertise in psychiatry, psychology, primary care, and other health professions.

To participate in the development of the guidelines, experts had to agree to disengage from any potential conflicts and devote themselves — unpaid — to the process, said Dr. Goodman. The goal is to head off any charges of conflicts or biases, he said.

Three subcommittees — diagnosis and assessment, medical treatment, and nonmedical treatment — will review the literature, grade the evidence base, and use the Delphi consensus method to write the draft guidelines.

The draft will go out to the public and to medical specialties for comment, which will be considered for inclusion in the final publication, said Dr. Goodman.

The guidelines panel has been working closely with the APA and following the APA guideline development process in an effort to get buy-in from psychiatrists, he said.

Critical Educational Tool

“Doctors are often surprised to hear that there are no guidelines for adult ADHD in the US,” said Ann Childress, MD, APSARD president, when the group announced its effort in 2023. “Whether diagnosis and treatment are provided in office or online, the standard of care should be the same throughout the country,” she said.

Guidelines will “reduce mythology and error or at least when we run into mythology and error we can say no, there’s a giant consensus with hundreds of experts that disagree with that and so if you want to counter that you better bring some heavy machinery, you can’t just throw out an opinion and leave it unsupported,” said Dr. Mason.

Dr. Sibley said that, although there are no good data, anecdotally it appears many clinicians rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) when treating adults with ADHD.

The DSM “tells people what they should do but it doesn’t exactly tell them what’s the best way to do it,” she said, adding that often physicians follow what they learned from whoever they were trained by.

“Some people have been trained by people who are well versed in best practices and so they might be doing things that we would say have a research support to them, and other people might be doing things based on people who developed their own opinions about the best way to diagnose ADHD based on lived experience which may or may not be best practices,” Dr. Sibley said.

Her subcommittee aims to offer guidance on screening “that will be helpful in primary care, in terms of what are the most efficient ways to do it” and to help with accuracy, she said. Currently, there are likely some clinicians who are making too liberal a diagnosis and others who are making too conservative a diagnosis, she said.

With so many clinicians — especially in primary care — having a lack of experience, the guidelines could increase “the ability for more different kinds of providers to help,” said Dr. Kulikosky.

Guidelines should also provide a template for ongoing education, especially for clinicians who have never received any training in ADHD.

Dr. Goodman said it is increasingly likely that primary care physicians will be writing more prescriptions for ADHD medications than psychiatrists. “If that is the trajectory, the education of those providers seeing these patients is critical,” he said.



Offering Standards, Dispelling Myths

Guidelines can also help “shorten the learning curve,” said Dr. Mason, who said that he’s had to piece together evidence over the last few decades. Once published, the standards can be used in residency, for board exams, and continuing medical education, he said.

Not only do they offer a “kind of a shortcut to what we all know and agree on,” they also specify where the edges of knowledge are, he said.

Guidelines can also dissuade clinicians from practices that have no evidence to support them, such as “medication holidays,” said Dr. Mason. That has been employed to give children, especially, a break from side effects, but studies have shown that it actually increases side effects, he said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley expect the guidelines to help with the challenge of diagnosis. Approximately 38% of adults with ADHD have a mood disorder and 48% have anxiety, said Dr. Goodman. Many others have coexisting posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, or medical illnesses that compound cognitive problems.

If an individual has several psychiatric conditions, “the question is how do you diagnostically prioritize which you treat first, second, and third, with the goal of treating one without making the others worse,” said Dr. Goodman.

“ADHD takes more detective work than other disorders,” said Dr. Sibley, adding that without an objective diagnostic and with overlaps with other comorbid disorders, “there are very complex issues that all of us wrestle with.”

While the guidelines will not provide algorithms, they will provide information that “will help guide them in the tougher diagnostic context,” she said.

Dr. Mason agreed. “It’s a complicated disorder to diagnose and treat. It’s hard for somebody to jump into it. [The guidelines] are going to give us — here’s what you really have to know, here’s what you have to do,” he said.

And it won’t just be clinicians who look to the guidelines. Calls to National Resource Center on ADHD — which CHADD runs for the federal government — from adults wanting to know more about their own condition “have increased exponentially” in the last few years, said Dr. Kulikosky. “We know adults are seeking out information, they are seeking out diagnosis and treatment,” she said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley reported no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Mason reported that he consults for Otsuka and is a speaker for Iron Shore.

A version of this article first appeared on

The first US clinical guidelines to diagnose and treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults are expected to be released this fall, providing patients, clinicians, insurers, and policymakers with a long overdue and much-needed standardized framework.

The initiative comes under the auspices of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD). David Goodman, MD, a member of the APSARD guidelines executive committee and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, noted that the US lags behind several other nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand who already have guidelines in place.

Dr. Goodman would not go into any detail as to why the country has been so slow off the mark but told this news organization that in part it has been due to a lack of specific funding. In addition, he said, “adult psychiatry abdicated responsibility for ADHD in adults.”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) would not comment, although a spokesperson said two of its members are working with APSARD on the guidelines.

Estimates show that there are 10-11 million American adults (4.4%) with ADHD, making it the second most common psychiatric disorder in adults.

Surveys show that mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, report a lack of familiarity with ADHD in adults, said Margaret Sibley, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and chair of the APSARD guidelines diagnostic and screening committee.

Many don’t consider an ADHD diagnosis in adults “because they were always trained to conceptualize it as something that’s relevant only in childhood,” Dr. Sibley told this new organization. However, research shows that people with ADHD do not outgrow the disorder.

“ADHD itself is still present and has unique problems associated with it in adults,” Dr. Sibley said.

Filling the Leadership Gap

Laurie Kulikosky, CEO of the advocacy group CHADD, said that the organization views the development of guidelines “as a huge step forward in the ability for more people to understand ADHD, particularly on the adult side.”

Oren Mason, MD, a primary care physician who specializes in ADHD at his Grand Rapids, Michigan-based practice, said “there hasn’t been a single specialty that has taken lead responsibility in adult ADHD,” which has contributed to the lag in guideline development.

In addition, Dr. Mason said, “trying to come up with adult guidelines even 5 or 10 years ago wouldn’t have yielded nearly as robust a set of guidelines because it’s taken awhile to have the evidence base to be able to make a few pronouncements really confidently.”

Not only has the evidence base grown but so has telehealth, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. That led to concerns that ADHD was not rigorously evaluated and that stimulants were prescribed too easily, said Dr. Goodman.

Several telehealth providers came under federal scrutiny, with the DEA accusing Cerebral’s pharmacy of dispensing stimulants for nonmedical reasons. The agency said that some 72,000 prescriptions for controlled substances, mostly stimulants, were written between 2020 and 2022.

APSARD felt it was time to act, said Dr. Goodman.

“We could not allow entrepreneurs who felt there was a business opportunity here to, under the auspices of advocating for mental health, increase the distribution of potentially addictive medications in the community,” he said



Ensuring Psychiatrist Buy-In

Development of the APSARD guidelines is led by Thomas Spencer, MD, a retired associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Frances Rudnick Levin, MD, the Kennedy-Leavy Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, both of whom have decades of experience and clinical work in adults with ADHD.

Dr. Goodman is joined on the executive committee by Lenard Adler, MD (NYU Grossman School of Medicine), and Stephen Faraone, PhD (SUNY Upstate Medical University), along with 30 others who have expertise in psychiatry, psychology, primary care, and other health professions.

To participate in the development of the guidelines, experts had to agree to disengage from any potential conflicts and devote themselves — unpaid — to the process, said Dr. Goodman. The goal is to head off any charges of conflicts or biases, he said.

Three subcommittees — diagnosis and assessment, medical treatment, and nonmedical treatment — will review the literature, grade the evidence base, and use the Delphi consensus method to write the draft guidelines.

The draft will go out to the public and to medical specialties for comment, which will be considered for inclusion in the final publication, said Dr. Goodman.

The guidelines panel has been working closely with the APA and following the APA guideline development process in an effort to get buy-in from psychiatrists, he said.

Critical Educational Tool

“Doctors are often surprised to hear that there are no guidelines for adult ADHD in the US,” said Ann Childress, MD, APSARD president, when the group announced its effort in 2023. “Whether diagnosis and treatment are provided in office or online, the standard of care should be the same throughout the country,” she said.

Guidelines will “reduce mythology and error or at least when we run into mythology and error we can say no, there’s a giant consensus with hundreds of experts that disagree with that and so if you want to counter that you better bring some heavy machinery, you can’t just throw out an opinion and leave it unsupported,” said Dr. Mason.

Dr. Sibley said that, although there are no good data, anecdotally it appears many clinicians rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) when treating adults with ADHD.

The DSM “tells people what they should do but it doesn’t exactly tell them what’s the best way to do it,” she said, adding that often physicians follow what they learned from whoever they were trained by.

“Some people have been trained by people who are well versed in best practices and so they might be doing things that we would say have a research support to them, and other people might be doing things based on people who developed their own opinions about the best way to diagnose ADHD based on lived experience which may or may not be best practices,” Dr. Sibley said.

Her subcommittee aims to offer guidance on screening “that will be helpful in primary care, in terms of what are the most efficient ways to do it” and to help with accuracy, she said. Currently, there are likely some clinicians who are making too liberal a diagnosis and others who are making too conservative a diagnosis, she said.

With so many clinicians — especially in primary care — having a lack of experience, the guidelines could increase “the ability for more different kinds of providers to help,” said Dr. Kulikosky.

Guidelines should also provide a template for ongoing education, especially for clinicians who have never received any training in ADHD.

Dr. Goodman said it is increasingly likely that primary care physicians will be writing more prescriptions for ADHD medications than psychiatrists. “If that is the trajectory, the education of those providers seeing these patients is critical,” he said.



Offering Standards, Dispelling Myths

Guidelines can also help “shorten the learning curve,” said Dr. Mason, who said that he’s had to piece together evidence over the last few decades. Once published, the standards can be used in residency, for board exams, and continuing medical education, he said.

Not only do they offer a “kind of a shortcut to what we all know and agree on,” they also specify where the edges of knowledge are, he said.

Guidelines can also dissuade clinicians from practices that have no evidence to support them, such as “medication holidays,” said Dr. Mason. That has been employed to give children, especially, a break from side effects, but studies have shown that it actually increases side effects, he said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley expect the guidelines to help with the challenge of diagnosis. Approximately 38% of adults with ADHD have a mood disorder and 48% have anxiety, said Dr. Goodman. Many others have coexisting posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, or medical illnesses that compound cognitive problems.

If an individual has several psychiatric conditions, “the question is how do you diagnostically prioritize which you treat first, second, and third, with the goal of treating one without making the others worse,” said Dr. Goodman.

“ADHD takes more detective work than other disorders,” said Dr. Sibley, adding that without an objective diagnostic and with overlaps with other comorbid disorders, “there are very complex issues that all of us wrestle with.”

While the guidelines will not provide algorithms, they will provide information that “will help guide them in the tougher diagnostic context,” she said.

Dr. Mason agreed. “It’s a complicated disorder to diagnose and treat. It’s hard for somebody to jump into it. [The guidelines] are going to give us — here’s what you really have to know, here’s what you have to do,” he said.

And it won’t just be clinicians who look to the guidelines. Calls to National Resource Center on ADHD — which CHADD runs for the federal government — from adults wanting to know more about their own condition “have increased exponentially” in the last few years, said Dr. Kulikosky. “We know adults are seeking out information, they are seeking out diagnosis and treatment,” she said.

Dr. Goodman and Dr. Sibley reported no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Mason reported that he consults for Otsuka and is a speaker for Iron Shore.

A version of this article first appeared on

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