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Tue, 05/17/2022 - 12:10

A study that tracked psychopathology in 13,000 children and adolescents found that mental health difficulties fluctuate over time, especially in younger children, and those trajectories differ among boys and girls.

Investigators also found a strong correlation between new incidence of high psychopathology and externalizing problems such as hyperactivity. “It is of paramount importance to identify factors that distinguish those with persisting problems and escalating trajectories so that resources can be appropriately directed,” wrote the authors of the study published online in JAMA Network Open.

Recent studies have shown that concurrent and sequential comorbidity of psychiatric disorders are very common in adult populations, lead author Colm Healy, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher for psychiatry with the University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland, said in an interview.

The speculation is that this occurs in early life when psychiatry symptoms experience high fluidity. “This presents a complex scenario to model, where young people’s mental health appears to shift and change across development. Few investigations to date have had the data available to examine these trajectories over the full range of child development,” said Dr. Healy.

He and his colleagues attempted to map the profiles and trajectories of psychopathology in children and adolescents, using latent profile transition analysis (LPTA), a person-centered method, to assess comorbidity and movement in the various phases of childhood development.

“The idea behind person-centered methods such as LTPA is that it identifies unobserved subgroups of participants who respond similarly to specific variables – in this case responses to a broad measure of psychopathology,” explained Dr. Healy.

The study included 7,507 children from the child sample (ages 3, 5, and 9 years) and 6,039 children from the adolescent sample (ages 9, 13, and 17 or 18 years). Data analysis took place from October 2020 to September 2021.

Dr. Healy and colleagues in a supplementary investigation compared cohorts at age 9 years to look for sex and generational differences.

Four developmental profiles

Researchers identified 4 distinct developmental profies for person-centered psychopathological trajectories: no psychopathology (incidence range, 60%-70%), high psychopathology (incidence range, 3%-5%), externalizing problems (incidence range, 15%-25%), and internalizing problems (incidence range, 7%-12%).

Internalizing problems reflect issues with peers and emotional problems whereas externalizing problems more closely associate with hyperactivity and conduct.

Less than 5% of the youth studied experienced persistent symptoms. However, 48.6% in the child cohort and 44.1% in the adolescent cohort moved into one of the 3 psychopathology profiles (high psychopathology, externalizing, internalizing problems) at some point in development.

The spread of trajectories was more diverse in the child cohort, said Dr. Healy. “Children ebbed and flowed between the different profiles over time with a large proportion falling into one of the psychopathology categories and then switching between these profiles.” Switching was also evident in the adolescent cohort but to a lesser extent, he said.

Externalizing problems link to high psychopathology

Rates of remittance were higher among individuals in both cohorts for internalizing problems, compared with externalizing problems.

It’s possible that for some of these young people, internalizing problems are a reaction to environmental stressors such as bullying,” said Dr. Healy. “When that stress is relieved, the internalizing problems may dissipate.”

In a clinically relevant finding, children with externalizing problems (age 5, 129 [61.3%] and age 9, 95 [74.3%]) were more likely to present with new incidents of high psychopathology. This was also true in the adolescent group (age 13, 129 [91.1%] and age 17, 146 [89.9%]).

This suggests that a proportion of youth with externalizing problems have an escalating trajectory of psychopathology. “Thus, it may be possible to distinguish those with an escalating trajectory from a stable or remitting trajectory. The specific distinguishing factors require further investigation, but it has been observed before that some of those reporting externalizing problems in early life continue to have difficulties into later life,” noted Dr. Healy.

A combination of environmental or biological factors may explain this escalation, which could respond to early intervention, he said.

Overall, few children in the study transitioned directly from no psychopathology to high psychopathology.



Differences between boys, girls

In both cohorts, investigators noticed significant differences between the sexes.

Boys in childhood made up a larger proportion of the three psychopathology profiles. But by late adolescence, girls made up a larger proportion of the internalizing profile whereas boys made up a larger proportion of the externalizing profile. “These differences were in line with our expectations,” said Dr. Healy.

Trajectories also differed among boys and girls. In childhood, girls had a higher percentage of de-escalating trajectories relative to boys. “More girls than boys in the psychopathology profiles switched to a non or less severe profile. In adolescence, differences in trajectories were less obvious, with the exception that girls were more likely than boys to transition to internalizing problems from all of the other profiles at age 17,” said Dr. Healy.

Most young people who experience psychopathology will eventually see an improvement in symptoms, noted Dr. Healy. Next steps are to identify markers that distinguish individuals with persistent trajectories from remitting trajectories at the different phases of development, he said.

Study draws mixed reviews

Clinical psychiatrists not involved in the study had varying reactions to the results.

“This study is notable for its data-driven and powerful illustration of how childhood and adolescence are dynamic periods during which psychiatric symptoms can emerge and evolve,” said Sunny X. Tang, MD, a psychiatrist and an assistant professor at the Institute of Behavioral Science and the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York.

The clinical call for action is for person-centered mental health screening to be a routine part of pediatric and adolescent primary care or school-based services, noted Dr. Tang.

Paul S. Nestadt, MD, an assistant professor and public mental health researcher at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, did not think the study would have a significant impact on clinical practice.

He noted that Dr. Healy and coauthors found that some children stayed true to type, but many fluctuated between the four profile groups. The finding that fluctuation occurred more frequently in younger children is not surprising “and is consistent with what we know about the ‘moving targets’ that make diagnosing children so difficult,” said Dr. Nestadt.

“It would have been helpful to have identified clinical indicators of likely persistence in psychopathology, but the measure employed here did not allow that. It is also frustrating to not have any information on treatment, such that we cannot know whether the children who shifted to ‘no psychopathology’ did so because of treatment or spontaneously,” he added.

Victor M. Fornari, MD, MS, director of the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at The Zucker Hillside Hospital and Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center, New York, said the study is an important contribution to understanding the development of psychopathology during childhood.

“Generally, it is felt that nearly one in five youth will meet criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by the age of 18. It is well known that externalizing disorders like ADHD manifest earlier in childhood and that depression often manifests later in adolescence,” he said.

No disclosures were reported.


A study that tracked psychopathology in 13,000 children and adolescents found that mental health difficulties fluctuate over time, especially in younger children, and those trajectories differ among boys and girls.

Investigators also found a strong correlation between new incidence of high psychopathology and externalizing problems such as hyperactivity. “It is of paramount importance to identify factors that distinguish those with persisting problems and escalating trajectories so that resources can be appropriately directed,” wrote the authors of the study published online in JAMA Network Open.

Recent studies have shown that concurrent and sequential comorbidity of psychiatric disorders are very common in adult populations, lead author Colm Healy, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher for psychiatry with the University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland, said in an interview.

The speculation is that this occurs in early life when psychiatry symptoms experience high fluidity. “This presents a complex scenario to model, where young people’s mental health appears to shift and change across development. Few investigations to date have had the data available to examine these trajectories over the full range of child development,” said Dr. Healy.

He and his colleagues attempted to map the profiles and trajectories of psychopathology in children and adolescents, using latent profile transition analysis (LPTA), a person-centered method, to assess comorbidity and movement in the various phases of childhood development.

“The idea behind person-centered methods such as LTPA is that it identifies unobserved subgroups of participants who respond similarly to specific variables – in this case responses to a broad measure of psychopathology,” explained Dr. Healy.

The study included 7,507 children from the child sample (ages 3, 5, and 9 years) and 6,039 children from the adolescent sample (ages 9, 13, and 17 or 18 years). Data analysis took place from October 2020 to September 2021.

Dr. Healy and colleagues in a supplementary investigation compared cohorts at age 9 years to look for sex and generational differences.

Four developmental profiles

Researchers identified 4 distinct developmental profies for person-centered psychopathological trajectories: no psychopathology (incidence range, 60%-70%), high psychopathology (incidence range, 3%-5%), externalizing problems (incidence range, 15%-25%), and internalizing problems (incidence range, 7%-12%).

Internalizing problems reflect issues with peers and emotional problems whereas externalizing problems more closely associate with hyperactivity and conduct.

Less than 5% of the youth studied experienced persistent symptoms. However, 48.6% in the child cohort and 44.1% in the adolescent cohort moved into one of the 3 psychopathology profiles (high psychopathology, externalizing, internalizing problems) at some point in development.

The spread of trajectories was more diverse in the child cohort, said Dr. Healy. “Children ebbed and flowed between the different profiles over time with a large proportion falling into one of the psychopathology categories and then switching between these profiles.” Switching was also evident in the adolescent cohort but to a lesser extent, he said.

Externalizing problems link to high psychopathology

Rates of remittance were higher among individuals in both cohorts for internalizing problems, compared with externalizing problems.

It’s possible that for some of these young people, internalizing problems are a reaction to environmental stressors such as bullying,” said Dr. Healy. “When that stress is relieved, the internalizing problems may dissipate.”

In a clinically relevant finding, children with externalizing problems (age 5, 129 [61.3%] and age 9, 95 [74.3%]) were more likely to present with new incidents of high psychopathology. This was also true in the adolescent group (age 13, 129 [91.1%] and age 17, 146 [89.9%]).

This suggests that a proportion of youth with externalizing problems have an escalating trajectory of psychopathology. “Thus, it may be possible to distinguish those with an escalating trajectory from a stable or remitting trajectory. The specific distinguishing factors require further investigation, but it has been observed before that some of those reporting externalizing problems in early life continue to have difficulties into later life,” noted Dr. Healy.

A combination of environmental or biological factors may explain this escalation, which could respond to early intervention, he said.

Overall, few children in the study transitioned directly from no psychopathology to high psychopathology.



Differences between boys, girls

In both cohorts, investigators noticed significant differences between the sexes.

Boys in childhood made up a larger proportion of the three psychopathology profiles. But by late adolescence, girls made up a larger proportion of the internalizing profile whereas boys made up a larger proportion of the externalizing profile. “These differences were in line with our expectations,” said Dr. Healy.

Trajectories also differed among boys and girls. In childhood, girls had a higher percentage of de-escalating trajectories relative to boys. “More girls than boys in the psychopathology profiles switched to a non or less severe profile. In adolescence, differences in trajectories were less obvious, with the exception that girls were more likely than boys to transition to internalizing problems from all of the other profiles at age 17,” said Dr. Healy.

Most young people who experience psychopathology will eventually see an improvement in symptoms, noted Dr. Healy. Next steps are to identify markers that distinguish individuals with persistent trajectories from remitting trajectories at the different phases of development, he said.

Study draws mixed reviews

Clinical psychiatrists not involved in the study had varying reactions to the results.

“This study is notable for its data-driven and powerful illustration of how childhood and adolescence are dynamic periods during which psychiatric symptoms can emerge and evolve,” said Sunny X. Tang, MD, a psychiatrist and an assistant professor at the Institute of Behavioral Science and the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York.

The clinical call for action is for person-centered mental health screening to be a routine part of pediatric and adolescent primary care or school-based services, noted Dr. Tang.

Paul S. Nestadt, MD, an assistant professor and public mental health researcher at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, did not think the study would have a significant impact on clinical practice.

He noted that Dr. Healy and coauthors found that some children stayed true to type, but many fluctuated between the four profile groups. The finding that fluctuation occurred more frequently in younger children is not surprising “and is consistent with what we know about the ‘moving targets’ that make diagnosing children so difficult,” said Dr. Nestadt.

“It would have been helpful to have identified clinical indicators of likely persistence in psychopathology, but the measure employed here did not allow that. It is also frustrating to not have any information on treatment, such that we cannot know whether the children who shifted to ‘no psychopathology’ did so because of treatment or spontaneously,” he added.

Victor M. Fornari, MD, MS, director of the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at The Zucker Hillside Hospital and Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center, New York, said the study is an important contribution to understanding the development of psychopathology during childhood.

“Generally, it is felt that nearly one in five youth will meet criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by the age of 18. It is well known that externalizing disorders like ADHD manifest earlier in childhood and that depression often manifests later in adolescence,” he said.

No disclosures were reported.

A study that tracked psychopathology in 13,000 children and adolescents found that mental health difficulties fluctuate over time, especially in younger children, and those trajectories differ among boys and girls.

Investigators also found a strong correlation between new incidence of high psychopathology and externalizing problems such as hyperactivity. “It is of paramount importance to identify factors that distinguish those with persisting problems and escalating trajectories so that resources can be appropriately directed,” wrote the authors of the study published online in JAMA Network Open.

Recent studies have shown that concurrent and sequential comorbidity of psychiatric disorders are very common in adult populations, lead author Colm Healy, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher for psychiatry with the University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland, said in an interview.

The speculation is that this occurs in early life when psychiatry symptoms experience high fluidity. “This presents a complex scenario to model, where young people’s mental health appears to shift and change across development. Few investigations to date have had the data available to examine these trajectories over the full range of child development,” said Dr. Healy.

He and his colleagues attempted to map the profiles and trajectories of psychopathology in children and adolescents, using latent profile transition analysis (LPTA), a person-centered method, to assess comorbidity and movement in the various phases of childhood development.

“The idea behind person-centered methods such as LTPA is that it identifies unobserved subgroups of participants who respond similarly to specific variables – in this case responses to a broad measure of psychopathology,” explained Dr. Healy.

The study included 7,507 children from the child sample (ages 3, 5, and 9 years) and 6,039 children from the adolescent sample (ages 9, 13, and 17 or 18 years). Data analysis took place from October 2020 to September 2021.

Dr. Healy and colleagues in a supplementary investigation compared cohorts at age 9 years to look for sex and generational differences.

Four developmental profiles

Researchers identified 4 distinct developmental profies for person-centered psychopathological trajectories: no psychopathology (incidence range, 60%-70%), high psychopathology (incidence range, 3%-5%), externalizing problems (incidence range, 15%-25%), and internalizing problems (incidence range, 7%-12%).

Internalizing problems reflect issues with peers and emotional problems whereas externalizing problems more closely associate with hyperactivity and conduct.

Less than 5% of the youth studied experienced persistent symptoms. However, 48.6% in the child cohort and 44.1% in the adolescent cohort moved into one of the 3 psychopathology profiles (high psychopathology, externalizing, internalizing problems) at some point in development.

The spread of trajectories was more diverse in the child cohort, said Dr. Healy. “Children ebbed and flowed between the different profiles over time with a large proportion falling into one of the psychopathology categories and then switching between these profiles.” Switching was also evident in the adolescent cohort but to a lesser extent, he said.

Externalizing problems link to high psychopathology

Rates of remittance were higher among individuals in both cohorts for internalizing problems, compared with externalizing problems.

It’s possible that for some of these young people, internalizing problems are a reaction to environmental stressors such as bullying,” said Dr. Healy. “When that stress is relieved, the internalizing problems may dissipate.”

In a clinically relevant finding, children with externalizing problems (age 5, 129 [61.3%] and age 9, 95 [74.3%]) were more likely to present with new incidents of high psychopathology. This was also true in the adolescent group (age 13, 129 [91.1%] and age 17, 146 [89.9%]).

This suggests that a proportion of youth with externalizing problems have an escalating trajectory of psychopathology. “Thus, it may be possible to distinguish those with an escalating trajectory from a stable or remitting trajectory. The specific distinguishing factors require further investigation, but it has been observed before that some of those reporting externalizing problems in early life continue to have difficulties into later life,” noted Dr. Healy.

A combination of environmental or biological factors may explain this escalation, which could respond to early intervention, he said.

Overall, few children in the study transitioned directly from no psychopathology to high psychopathology.



Differences between boys, girls

In both cohorts, investigators noticed significant differences between the sexes.

Boys in childhood made up a larger proportion of the three psychopathology profiles. But by late adolescence, girls made up a larger proportion of the internalizing profile whereas boys made up a larger proportion of the externalizing profile. “These differences were in line with our expectations,” said Dr. Healy.

Trajectories also differed among boys and girls. In childhood, girls had a higher percentage of de-escalating trajectories relative to boys. “More girls than boys in the psychopathology profiles switched to a non or less severe profile. In adolescence, differences in trajectories were less obvious, with the exception that girls were more likely than boys to transition to internalizing problems from all of the other profiles at age 17,” said Dr. Healy.

Most young people who experience psychopathology will eventually see an improvement in symptoms, noted Dr. Healy. Next steps are to identify markers that distinguish individuals with persistent trajectories from remitting trajectories at the different phases of development, he said.

Study draws mixed reviews

Clinical psychiatrists not involved in the study had varying reactions to the results.

“This study is notable for its data-driven and powerful illustration of how childhood and adolescence are dynamic periods during which psychiatric symptoms can emerge and evolve,” said Sunny X. Tang, MD, a psychiatrist and an assistant professor at the Institute of Behavioral Science and the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York.

The clinical call for action is for person-centered mental health screening to be a routine part of pediatric and adolescent primary care or school-based services, noted Dr. Tang.

Paul S. Nestadt, MD, an assistant professor and public mental health researcher at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, did not think the study would have a significant impact on clinical practice.

He noted that Dr. Healy and coauthors found that some children stayed true to type, but many fluctuated between the four profile groups. The finding that fluctuation occurred more frequently in younger children is not surprising “and is consistent with what we know about the ‘moving targets’ that make diagnosing children so difficult,” said Dr. Nestadt.

“It would have been helpful to have identified clinical indicators of likely persistence in psychopathology, but the measure employed here did not allow that. It is also frustrating to not have any information on treatment, such that we cannot know whether the children who shifted to ‘no psychopathology’ did so because of treatment or spontaneously,” he added.

Victor M. Fornari, MD, MS, director of the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at The Zucker Hillside Hospital and Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center, New York, said the study is an important contribution to understanding the development of psychopathology during childhood.

“Generally, it is felt that nearly one in five youth will meet criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by the age of 18. It is well known that externalizing disorders like ADHD manifest earlier in childhood and that depression often manifests later in adolescence,” he said.

No disclosures were reported.

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