Should preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes include routine EKGs?

Article Type
Mon, 01/14/2019 - 11:36
Display Headline
Should preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes include routine EKGs?

PROBABLY NOT. Although some European and international experts recommend that all athletes undergo preparticipation electrocardiogram (EKG) screening, it’s unclear whether screening reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD); US experts don’t recommend it routinely for school-aged athletes (strength of recommendation [SOR]:C, observational studies and expert opinion).

However, further cardiac work-up, including EKG, is indicated if concern exists about increased cardiovascular risk (SOR: C, expert opinion).


Evidence summary

SCD in athletes is a rare event; researchers estimate the annual incidence at 0.5 to 2 per 100,000 athletes per year.1,2 The rarity of SCD, lack of registries recording cases, multiple causes, and varying demographics limit accurate estimation of its incidence.3 Experts also debate whether the ability of a single EKG to detect a potentially lethal arrhythmia outweighs the expense and potential harm of false-positive results. No randomized controlled trials have assessed the efficacy of preparticipation screening, with or without EKG, to reduce SCD. The major studies evaluating this issue are observational and retrospective.

An Italian study suggests lower SCD mortality with EKG screening
An Italian observational study of 33,735 athletes reported results of a 25-year program of mandated SCD screening (1979-2004).4 Researchers found that the incidence of sudden death was 89% lower at the end of the screening program (0.4/100,000 athletes/year), compared with the baseline (3.6/100,000 athletes/year).

The program used highly trained sports medicine physicians and supplemented the history and physical examination with universal EKG screening. Screening began at 12 to 14 years of age and was repeated regularly as long as the athlete was engaging in competition. The incidence of SCD in nonathletes (0.79/100,000 nonathletes/year) didn’t change over the 25 years of the study.

Limitations of the study include the lack of a concurrent control group of unscreened athletes and time-dependent bias, also known as immortal time bias. (Studies with time-dependent outcomes in which the test of interest, such as EKG screening, and the outcome analyzed, such as SCD, occur during the same period are susceptible to immortal time bias. Athletes who may have died suddenly during the prescreening period would never have made it to the first screening, so the group of athletes who made it alive to the first screening already represented a selected lower-risk population whose characteristics contributed to the lower mortality rates in the postscreening period.)

Other study limitations included baseline differences in male-to-female ratio (82% male) and age range (12-35 years). In addition, the study used a short measurement time (approximately 3 years) to establish a baseline SCD incidence, resulting in a higher incidence than the average in other studies.

An Israeli study suggests otherwise
An uncontrolled observational study done in Israel compared the number of SCDs before and after implementation of a mandatory nationwide screening program for all athletes.5 The screening protocol included a medical questionnaire, physical examination, resting EKG, and exercise stress test. Researchers estimated the SCD incidence by scrutinizing newspaper reports of sudden deaths in competitive athletes for 2 time periods: 12 years before (1985-1997) and 12 years after (1997-2009) the intervention.

They identified 24 presumed cardiac deaths, all in male athletes 12 to 44 years of age (mean 23.9 years). The incidence of SCD in the athletes before and after this protocol was 2.54 and 2.66/100,000 athletes/year, respectively (P not significant).

An advantage of this study is the longer period used to estimate SCD incidence (12 years compared with approximately 3 years). A disadvantage is that the researchers calculated the SCD incidence by relying only on media reports rather than on a death registry.

A US comparison study supports the Israeli findings
In the United States, researchers compared SCD rates in high school and college athletes in Minnesota with the rates reported in the Italian study discussed previously.1 They collected mortality data from several sources, including a national death registry, over a similar time period (1985-2007), during which routine EKG screening of Minnesota athletes wasn’t mandated or recommended.

During the 23-year study period, SCD mortality rates in young athletes in Minnesota remained stable at 0.97/100,000 athletes/year (range 0.5-1.3). This rate didn’t differ significantly from the death rate reported at the end of the Italian study.4 The US authors concluded that their data didn’t support the hypothesis that routine EKG screening in young athletes results in lower SCD mortality.1





All major groups acknowledge that EKG screening improves the sensitivity of the preparticipation physical exam. The European Society of Cardiology Study Group of Sport Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee advocate routine screening.6,7

The American Heart Association (AHA) Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the American College of Sports Medicine don’t recommend routine EKGs as part of the preparticipation evaluation of school-aged athletes.8,9

The AHA recommends that a qualified examiner perform a full history and physical exam, which includes assessments of 12 key risk factors (TABLE), and advocates cardiovascular referral for patients who show positive findings.

12 cardiovascular risk factors to watch for during preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes

Personal history
1.Exertional chest pain or discomfort
2.Unexplained syncope or near-syncope (exertional syncope is of particular concern)
3.Excessive exertional and unexplained dyspnea or fatigue associated with exercise
4.Previous recognition of a heart murmur
5.Elevated systemic blood pressure
Family history
6.Premature death (sudden and unexpected or otherwise) in one or more relatives <50 years old because of heart disease
7.Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years
8.Relatives with: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies, Marfan syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias
Physical examination
9.Heart murmur—perform auscultation in both supine and standing positions (or with Valsalva maneuver), specifically to identify murmurs of dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstructions
10.Femoral pulses to exclude aortic coarctation
11.Physical stigmata of Marfan syndrome
12.Brachial artery blood pressure (sitting position), preferably in both arms

1. Maron BJ, Haas TS, Doerer JJ, et al. Comparison of US and Italian experiences with sudden cardiac deaths in young competitive athletes and implications for preparticipation screening strategies. Am J Cardiol. 2009;104:276-280.

2. Corrado D, Rizzoli B, Schiavon M, et al. Does sports activity enhance the risk of sudden death in adolescents and young adults? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;42:1959-1963.

3. Westrol MS, Kapitanyan R, Margues-Baptista A, et al. Causes of sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes. Postgrad Med. 2010;122:144-157.

4. Corrado D, Basso C, Pavei A, et al. Trends in sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes after implementation of a preparticipation screening program. JAMA. 2006;296:1593-1601.

5. Steinvil A, Chundadze T, Zeltser D, et al. Mandatory electro-cardiographic screening of athletes to reduce their risk for sudden death—proven fact or wishful thinking? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;57:1291-1296.

6. Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjørnstad HH, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Consensus Statement of the Study Group of Sport Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J. 2005;26:516-524.

7. Ljungqvist A, Jenoure P, Engebretsen L, et al. The International Olympic Committee. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus dtatement on the periodic health evaluation of elite athletes. March 2009. Available at: Accessed December 30 2011.

8. Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Ackerman MJ, et al. American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. Recommendations and considerations related to pre-participation screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in competitive athletes: 2007 update. Circulation. 2007;115:1643-1655.

9. Thompson PD, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, et al. ACSM and AHA joint position statement:exercise and acute cardiovascular events: placing the risks into perspective. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39:886-897.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Alan Remde, MD
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Family Medicine Residency at Capital Health, Trenton, NJ

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Justin Bailey, MD
Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Boise

The Journal of Family Practice - 62(3)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
Alan Remde; MD; Nancy Calabretta; MS; MEd; routine EKGs; preparticipation physical; SCD; sudden cardiac death; universal EKG; young athletes; electrocardiogram screening
Author and Disclosure Information

Alan Remde, MD
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Family Medicine Residency at Capital Health, Trenton, NJ

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Justin Bailey, MD
Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Boise

Author and Disclosure Information

Alan Remde, MD
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Family Medicine Residency at Capital Health, Trenton, NJ

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Justin Bailey, MD
Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Boise

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Article PDF

PROBABLY NOT. Although some European and international experts recommend that all athletes undergo preparticipation electrocardiogram (EKG) screening, it’s unclear whether screening reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD); US experts don’t recommend it routinely for school-aged athletes (strength of recommendation [SOR]:C, observational studies and expert opinion).

However, further cardiac work-up, including EKG, is indicated if concern exists about increased cardiovascular risk (SOR: C, expert opinion).


Evidence summary

SCD in athletes is a rare event; researchers estimate the annual incidence at 0.5 to 2 per 100,000 athletes per year.1,2 The rarity of SCD, lack of registries recording cases, multiple causes, and varying demographics limit accurate estimation of its incidence.3 Experts also debate whether the ability of a single EKG to detect a potentially lethal arrhythmia outweighs the expense and potential harm of false-positive results. No randomized controlled trials have assessed the efficacy of preparticipation screening, with or without EKG, to reduce SCD. The major studies evaluating this issue are observational and retrospective.

An Italian study suggests lower SCD mortality with EKG screening
An Italian observational study of 33,735 athletes reported results of a 25-year program of mandated SCD screening (1979-2004).4 Researchers found that the incidence of sudden death was 89% lower at the end of the screening program (0.4/100,000 athletes/year), compared with the baseline (3.6/100,000 athletes/year).

The program used highly trained sports medicine physicians and supplemented the history and physical examination with universal EKG screening. Screening began at 12 to 14 years of age and was repeated regularly as long as the athlete was engaging in competition. The incidence of SCD in nonathletes (0.79/100,000 nonathletes/year) didn’t change over the 25 years of the study.

Limitations of the study include the lack of a concurrent control group of unscreened athletes and time-dependent bias, also known as immortal time bias. (Studies with time-dependent outcomes in which the test of interest, such as EKG screening, and the outcome analyzed, such as SCD, occur during the same period are susceptible to immortal time bias. Athletes who may have died suddenly during the prescreening period would never have made it to the first screening, so the group of athletes who made it alive to the first screening already represented a selected lower-risk population whose characteristics contributed to the lower mortality rates in the postscreening period.)

Other study limitations included baseline differences in male-to-female ratio (82% male) and age range (12-35 years). In addition, the study used a short measurement time (approximately 3 years) to establish a baseline SCD incidence, resulting in a higher incidence than the average in other studies.

An Israeli study suggests otherwise
An uncontrolled observational study done in Israel compared the number of SCDs before and after implementation of a mandatory nationwide screening program for all athletes.5 The screening protocol included a medical questionnaire, physical examination, resting EKG, and exercise stress test. Researchers estimated the SCD incidence by scrutinizing newspaper reports of sudden deaths in competitive athletes for 2 time periods: 12 years before (1985-1997) and 12 years after (1997-2009) the intervention.

They identified 24 presumed cardiac deaths, all in male athletes 12 to 44 years of age (mean 23.9 years). The incidence of SCD in the athletes before and after this protocol was 2.54 and 2.66/100,000 athletes/year, respectively (P not significant).

An advantage of this study is the longer period used to estimate SCD incidence (12 years compared with approximately 3 years). A disadvantage is that the researchers calculated the SCD incidence by relying only on media reports rather than on a death registry.

A US comparison study supports the Israeli findings
In the United States, researchers compared SCD rates in high school and college athletes in Minnesota with the rates reported in the Italian study discussed previously.1 They collected mortality data from several sources, including a national death registry, over a similar time period (1985-2007), during which routine EKG screening of Minnesota athletes wasn’t mandated or recommended.

During the 23-year study period, SCD mortality rates in young athletes in Minnesota remained stable at 0.97/100,000 athletes/year (range 0.5-1.3). This rate didn’t differ significantly from the death rate reported at the end of the Italian study.4 The US authors concluded that their data didn’t support the hypothesis that routine EKG screening in young athletes results in lower SCD mortality.1





All major groups acknowledge that EKG screening improves the sensitivity of the preparticipation physical exam. The European Society of Cardiology Study Group of Sport Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee advocate routine screening.6,7

The American Heart Association (AHA) Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the American College of Sports Medicine don’t recommend routine EKGs as part of the preparticipation evaluation of school-aged athletes.8,9

The AHA recommends that a qualified examiner perform a full history and physical exam, which includes assessments of 12 key risk factors (TABLE), and advocates cardiovascular referral for patients who show positive findings.

12 cardiovascular risk factors to watch for during preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes

Personal history
1.Exertional chest pain or discomfort
2.Unexplained syncope or near-syncope (exertional syncope is of particular concern)
3.Excessive exertional and unexplained dyspnea or fatigue associated with exercise
4.Previous recognition of a heart murmur
5.Elevated systemic blood pressure
Family history
6.Premature death (sudden and unexpected or otherwise) in one or more relatives <50 years old because of heart disease
7.Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years
8.Relatives with: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies, Marfan syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias
Physical examination
9.Heart murmur—perform auscultation in both supine and standing positions (or with Valsalva maneuver), specifically to identify murmurs of dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstructions
10.Femoral pulses to exclude aortic coarctation
11.Physical stigmata of Marfan syndrome
12.Brachial artery blood pressure (sitting position), preferably in both arms

PROBABLY NOT. Although some European and international experts recommend that all athletes undergo preparticipation electrocardiogram (EKG) screening, it’s unclear whether screening reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD); US experts don’t recommend it routinely for school-aged athletes (strength of recommendation [SOR]:C, observational studies and expert opinion).

However, further cardiac work-up, including EKG, is indicated if concern exists about increased cardiovascular risk (SOR: C, expert opinion).


Evidence summary

SCD in athletes is a rare event; researchers estimate the annual incidence at 0.5 to 2 per 100,000 athletes per year.1,2 The rarity of SCD, lack of registries recording cases, multiple causes, and varying demographics limit accurate estimation of its incidence.3 Experts also debate whether the ability of a single EKG to detect a potentially lethal arrhythmia outweighs the expense and potential harm of false-positive results. No randomized controlled trials have assessed the efficacy of preparticipation screening, with or without EKG, to reduce SCD. The major studies evaluating this issue are observational and retrospective.

An Italian study suggests lower SCD mortality with EKG screening
An Italian observational study of 33,735 athletes reported results of a 25-year program of mandated SCD screening (1979-2004).4 Researchers found that the incidence of sudden death was 89% lower at the end of the screening program (0.4/100,000 athletes/year), compared with the baseline (3.6/100,000 athletes/year).

The program used highly trained sports medicine physicians and supplemented the history and physical examination with universal EKG screening. Screening began at 12 to 14 years of age and was repeated regularly as long as the athlete was engaging in competition. The incidence of SCD in nonathletes (0.79/100,000 nonathletes/year) didn’t change over the 25 years of the study.

Limitations of the study include the lack of a concurrent control group of unscreened athletes and time-dependent bias, also known as immortal time bias. (Studies with time-dependent outcomes in which the test of interest, such as EKG screening, and the outcome analyzed, such as SCD, occur during the same period are susceptible to immortal time bias. Athletes who may have died suddenly during the prescreening period would never have made it to the first screening, so the group of athletes who made it alive to the first screening already represented a selected lower-risk population whose characteristics contributed to the lower mortality rates in the postscreening period.)

Other study limitations included baseline differences in male-to-female ratio (82% male) and age range (12-35 years). In addition, the study used a short measurement time (approximately 3 years) to establish a baseline SCD incidence, resulting in a higher incidence than the average in other studies.

An Israeli study suggests otherwise
An uncontrolled observational study done in Israel compared the number of SCDs before and after implementation of a mandatory nationwide screening program for all athletes.5 The screening protocol included a medical questionnaire, physical examination, resting EKG, and exercise stress test. Researchers estimated the SCD incidence by scrutinizing newspaper reports of sudden deaths in competitive athletes for 2 time periods: 12 years before (1985-1997) and 12 years after (1997-2009) the intervention.

They identified 24 presumed cardiac deaths, all in male athletes 12 to 44 years of age (mean 23.9 years). The incidence of SCD in the athletes before and after this protocol was 2.54 and 2.66/100,000 athletes/year, respectively (P not significant).

An advantage of this study is the longer period used to estimate SCD incidence (12 years compared with approximately 3 years). A disadvantage is that the researchers calculated the SCD incidence by relying only on media reports rather than on a death registry.

A US comparison study supports the Israeli findings
In the United States, researchers compared SCD rates in high school and college athletes in Minnesota with the rates reported in the Italian study discussed previously.1 They collected mortality data from several sources, including a national death registry, over a similar time period (1985-2007), during which routine EKG screening of Minnesota athletes wasn’t mandated or recommended.

During the 23-year study period, SCD mortality rates in young athletes in Minnesota remained stable at 0.97/100,000 athletes/year (range 0.5-1.3). This rate didn’t differ significantly from the death rate reported at the end of the Italian study.4 The US authors concluded that their data didn’t support the hypothesis that routine EKG screening in young athletes results in lower SCD mortality.1





All major groups acknowledge that EKG screening improves the sensitivity of the preparticipation physical exam. The European Society of Cardiology Study Group of Sport Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee advocate routine screening.6,7

The American Heart Association (AHA) Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the American College of Sports Medicine don’t recommend routine EKGs as part of the preparticipation evaluation of school-aged athletes.8,9

The AHA recommends that a qualified examiner perform a full history and physical exam, which includes assessments of 12 key risk factors (TABLE), and advocates cardiovascular referral for patients who show positive findings.

12 cardiovascular risk factors to watch for during preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes

Personal history
1.Exertional chest pain or discomfort
2.Unexplained syncope or near-syncope (exertional syncope is of particular concern)
3.Excessive exertional and unexplained dyspnea or fatigue associated with exercise
4.Previous recognition of a heart murmur
5.Elevated systemic blood pressure
Family history
6.Premature death (sudden and unexpected or otherwise) in one or more relatives <50 years old because of heart disease
7.Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years
8.Relatives with: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies, Marfan syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias
Physical examination
9.Heart murmur—perform auscultation in both supine and standing positions (or with Valsalva maneuver), specifically to identify murmurs of dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstructions
10.Femoral pulses to exclude aortic coarctation
11.Physical stigmata of Marfan syndrome
12.Brachial artery blood pressure (sitting position), preferably in both arms

1. Maron BJ, Haas TS, Doerer JJ, et al. Comparison of US and Italian experiences with sudden cardiac deaths in young competitive athletes and implications for preparticipation screening strategies. Am J Cardiol. 2009;104:276-280.

2. Corrado D, Rizzoli B, Schiavon M, et al. Does sports activity enhance the risk of sudden death in adolescents and young adults? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;42:1959-1963.

3. Westrol MS, Kapitanyan R, Margues-Baptista A, et al. Causes of sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes. Postgrad Med. 2010;122:144-157.

4. Corrado D, Basso C, Pavei A, et al. Trends in sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes after implementation of a preparticipation screening program. JAMA. 2006;296:1593-1601.

5. Steinvil A, Chundadze T, Zeltser D, et al. Mandatory electro-cardiographic screening of athletes to reduce their risk for sudden death—proven fact or wishful thinking? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;57:1291-1296.

6. Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjørnstad HH, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Consensus Statement of the Study Group of Sport Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J. 2005;26:516-524.

7. Ljungqvist A, Jenoure P, Engebretsen L, et al. The International Olympic Committee. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus dtatement on the periodic health evaluation of elite athletes. March 2009. Available at: Accessed December 30 2011.

8. Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Ackerman MJ, et al. American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. Recommendations and considerations related to pre-participation screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in competitive athletes: 2007 update. Circulation. 2007;115:1643-1655.

9. Thompson PD, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, et al. ACSM and AHA joint position statement:exercise and acute cardiovascular events: placing the risks into perspective. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39:886-897.


1. Maron BJ, Haas TS, Doerer JJ, et al. Comparison of US and Italian experiences with sudden cardiac deaths in young competitive athletes and implications for preparticipation screening strategies. Am J Cardiol. 2009;104:276-280.

2. Corrado D, Rizzoli B, Schiavon M, et al. Does sports activity enhance the risk of sudden death in adolescents and young adults? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;42:1959-1963.

3. Westrol MS, Kapitanyan R, Margues-Baptista A, et al. Causes of sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes. Postgrad Med. 2010;122:144-157.

4. Corrado D, Basso C, Pavei A, et al. Trends in sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes after implementation of a preparticipation screening program. JAMA. 2006;296:1593-1601.

5. Steinvil A, Chundadze T, Zeltser D, et al. Mandatory electro-cardiographic screening of athletes to reduce their risk for sudden death—proven fact or wishful thinking? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;57:1291-1296.

6. Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjørnstad HH, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Consensus Statement of the Study Group of Sport Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J. 2005;26:516-524.

7. Ljungqvist A, Jenoure P, Engebretsen L, et al. The International Olympic Committee. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus dtatement on the periodic health evaluation of elite athletes. March 2009. Available at: Accessed December 30 2011.

8. Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Ackerman MJ, et al. American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. Recommendations and considerations related to pre-participation screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in competitive athletes: 2007 update. Circulation. 2007;115:1643-1655.

9. Thompson PD, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, et al. ACSM and AHA joint position statement:exercise and acute cardiovascular events: placing the risks into perspective. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39:886-897.

The Journal of Family Practice - 62(3)
The Journal of Family Practice - 62(3)
Page Number
Page Number
Article Type
Display Headline
Should preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes include routine EKGs?
Display Headline
Should preparticipation physicals for school-aged athletes include routine EKGs?
Legacy Keywords
Alan Remde; MD; Nancy Calabretta; MS; MEd; routine EKGs; preparticipation physical; SCD; sudden cardiac death; universal EKG; young athletes; electrocardiogram screening
Legacy Keywords
Alan Remde; MD; Nancy Calabretta; MS; MEd; routine EKGs; preparticipation physical; SCD; sudden cardiac death; universal EKG; young athletes; electrocardiogram screening
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Evidence-based answers from the Family Physicians Inquiries Network

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What is the prognostic value of stress echocardiography for patients with atypical chest pain?

Article Type
Mon, 01/14/2019 - 11:17
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What is the prognostic value of stress echocardiography for patients with atypical chest pain?

Patients with atypical chest pain and no history of cardiovascular events (coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or history of percutaneous transthoracic coronary angioplasty [PTCA]) and a negative stress echocardiography test are unlikely to experience a cardiovascular event in the next 1 to 4 years. However, the positive predictive value of the test in this population is low, indicating that a positive stress echocardiography is less useful for prognostic purposes (strength of recommendation: B, based on multiple cohort studies).


Using stress echocardiography reduces need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain
Timothy Huber, MD
Oroville, Calif

Patients presenting to emergency and urgent care departments with atypical chest pain are a dilemma whenever their ECG and biomarkers are nondiagnostic. Graded exercise stress testing to further define risk is not effective in many patient populations: including some women, patients with mobility problems, and patients with underlying conduction issues such as pre-excitation syndromes, left bundle branch blocks, and ventricular pacemakers. Stress echocardiography is a reasonable alternative for such patients. While physicians may take a negative test at face value in this clinical setting, a positive test is not diagnostic and will often necessitate further workup. Using stress echocardiography therefore reduces but does not eliminate the need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain.


Evidence summary

A prospective cohort study1 evaluated dobutamine or dipyridamole pharmacologic stress echocardiography among 904 primary care patients with either typical or atypical chest pain. Patients were enrolled into the study if they had normal resting wall motion, sinus rhythm, and had no history of coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or PTCA. Patients (average age 61 years, 42% men) were followed for an average of 44 months for primary cardiovascular endpoints (fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction [MI], unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death). A negative or positive stress echocardiography is defined as the absence or presence of abnormal cardiac wall motion on either exercise or pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Eighteen percent of patients had a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Over the length of the study, 81 of 904 patients (9%) suffered a cardiovascular event. Patients with a negative pharmacologic stress echocardiography had a mean annual probability of a cardiovascular event of 0.8% vs 8.5% with a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography (P<0001). The 4-year infarct-free negative predictive value (NPV) of pharmacologic stress echocardiography was 97%, and the positive predictive value (PPV) was 70%.

A similar prospective cohort study2 evaluated 105 patients (50% men) with atypical chest pain in an emergency department setting with either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography. The average patient age was 55 years and follow-up was 2.8 years. Patients were clinically stable, had normal or nondiagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG), normal cardiac enzymes, normal left ventricular function, and no history of coronary artery disease or unstable angina. Cardiovascular endpoints included fatal or nonfatal MI, unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death. A total of 7 patients (7%) suffered a cardiovascular event during the follow-up period. Positive stress echocardiography results occurred for 9% of patients. The NPV was 99% and the PPV was 75%.

Three other cohort studies3-5 evaluated exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography for a total of 615 patients (48%–67% men, average age 56–58 years) presenting to an emergency department with classical cardiac or atypical chest pain. Patients had normal or nondiagnostic ECG, negative cardiac enzymes, and either no history of coronary artery disease3,4 or known coronary artery disease of unknown significance.5 A positive stress echocardiography was obtained for 4.8% to 42% of patients in the cohorts. During 6 months of follow-up, cardiovascular events occurred in 4 of 145 patients (3%),3 22 of 227 patients (6%),4 and in 11 of 80 patients (14%).5 At 6-month follow-up, exercise stress echocardiography had a NPV of 99.3% and a PPV of 43%.3 Dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography had a NPV of 95% to 96% and a PPV of 25% to 31%.4,5

One retrospective review6 evaluated exercise and dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography and stress ECG for 661 low-risk outpatients (48% men, average age 58 years) with atypical chest pain. All patients had normal left ventricular function and no history of coronary artery disease and were followed for an average of 23 months. A positive stress echocardiography test occurred among 16% of the patient population.

During follow-up, 41 of 661 patients (6%) suffered a cardiovascular event. For either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography, the NPV was 99% at 12 months and 96% at 30 months. Patients with a positive stress echocardiography test and a negative stress ECG had a 66% event-free survival rate. Event-free survival rate for patients with a negative stress echocardiography and a positive or negative stress ECG was 97% and 96%, respectively.




Recommendations from others

The American College of Cardiology7 gives a Class I recommendation (tests for which there is evidence or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective) for standard echocardiogram for evaluation of chest pain for patients with suspected acute myocardial ischemia (when baseline ECG and other laboratory markers are nondiagnostic and when the study can be obtained during pain or within minutes after its abatement).

It gives a Class IIa recommendation (tests for which there is conflicting evidence or divergence of opinion, but favoring usefulness) to stress echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia for women with an intermediate pretest likelihood of coronary artery disease. It also gives a Class IIa recommendation to stress echocardiography for determining the prognosis of myocardial ischemia among patients for whom ECG assessment is less reliable. This group comprises patients with the following ECG abnormalities: pre-excitation syndrome (such as Wolff-Parkinson-White), electronically paced ventricular rhythm, more than 1 mm of ST depression at rest, and complete left bundle branch block.


1. Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, et al. Usefulness of pharmacologic stress echocardiography for the long-term prognostic assessment of patients with typical versus atypical chest pain. Am J Cardiol 2003;91:440-442.

2. Colon PJ, 3rd, Cheirif J. Long-term value of stress echocardiography in the triage of patients with atypical chest pain presenting to the emergency department. Echocardiography 1999;16:171-177.

3. Buchsbaum M, Marshall E, Levine B, et al. Emergency department evaluation of chest pain using exercise stress echocardiography. Acad Emerg Med 2001;8:196-199.

4. Bholasingh R, Cornel JH, Kamp O, et al. Prognostic value of predischarge dobutamine stress echocardiography in chest pain patients with a negative cardiac troponin T. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:596-602.

5. Geleijnse ML, Elhendy A, Kasprzak JD, et al. Safety and prognostic value of early dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography in patients with spontaneous chest pain and a nondiagnostic electrocardiogram. Eur Heart J 2000;21:397-406.

6. Colon PJ, 3rd, Mobarek SK, Milani RV, et al. Prognostic value of stress echocardiography in the evaluation of atypical chest pain patients without known coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1998;81:545-551.

7. ACC/AHA/ASE 2003 guideline update for the clinical application of echocardiography: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. (ACC/AHA/ASE Committee to update the 1997 guidelines for the clinical application of echocardiography.) Available at: Accessed on September 6, 2006.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Chad McBride, MD
Gary Kelsberg, MD
University of Washington, Family Medicine Residency at Valley Medical Center, Renton

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus, Library at Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

The Journal of Family Practice - 55(10)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Chad McBride, MD
Gary Kelsberg, MD
University of Washington, Family Medicine Residency at Valley Medical Center, Renton

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus, Library at Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Author and Disclosure Information

Chad McBride, MD
Gary Kelsberg, MD
University of Washington, Family Medicine Residency at Valley Medical Center, Renton

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus, Library at Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Article PDF
Article PDF

Patients with atypical chest pain and no history of cardiovascular events (coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or history of percutaneous transthoracic coronary angioplasty [PTCA]) and a negative stress echocardiography test are unlikely to experience a cardiovascular event in the next 1 to 4 years. However, the positive predictive value of the test in this population is low, indicating that a positive stress echocardiography is less useful for prognostic purposes (strength of recommendation: B, based on multiple cohort studies).


Using stress echocardiography reduces need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain
Timothy Huber, MD
Oroville, Calif

Patients presenting to emergency and urgent care departments with atypical chest pain are a dilemma whenever their ECG and biomarkers are nondiagnostic. Graded exercise stress testing to further define risk is not effective in many patient populations: including some women, patients with mobility problems, and patients with underlying conduction issues such as pre-excitation syndromes, left bundle branch blocks, and ventricular pacemakers. Stress echocardiography is a reasonable alternative for such patients. While physicians may take a negative test at face value in this clinical setting, a positive test is not diagnostic and will often necessitate further workup. Using stress echocardiography therefore reduces but does not eliminate the need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain.


Evidence summary

A prospective cohort study1 evaluated dobutamine or dipyridamole pharmacologic stress echocardiography among 904 primary care patients with either typical or atypical chest pain. Patients were enrolled into the study if they had normal resting wall motion, sinus rhythm, and had no history of coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or PTCA. Patients (average age 61 years, 42% men) were followed for an average of 44 months for primary cardiovascular endpoints (fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction [MI], unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death). A negative or positive stress echocardiography is defined as the absence or presence of abnormal cardiac wall motion on either exercise or pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Eighteen percent of patients had a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Over the length of the study, 81 of 904 patients (9%) suffered a cardiovascular event. Patients with a negative pharmacologic stress echocardiography had a mean annual probability of a cardiovascular event of 0.8% vs 8.5% with a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography (P<0001). The 4-year infarct-free negative predictive value (NPV) of pharmacologic stress echocardiography was 97%, and the positive predictive value (PPV) was 70%.

A similar prospective cohort study2 evaluated 105 patients (50% men) with atypical chest pain in an emergency department setting with either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography. The average patient age was 55 years and follow-up was 2.8 years. Patients were clinically stable, had normal or nondiagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG), normal cardiac enzymes, normal left ventricular function, and no history of coronary artery disease or unstable angina. Cardiovascular endpoints included fatal or nonfatal MI, unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death. A total of 7 patients (7%) suffered a cardiovascular event during the follow-up period. Positive stress echocardiography results occurred for 9% of patients. The NPV was 99% and the PPV was 75%.

Three other cohort studies3-5 evaluated exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography for a total of 615 patients (48%–67% men, average age 56–58 years) presenting to an emergency department with classical cardiac or atypical chest pain. Patients had normal or nondiagnostic ECG, negative cardiac enzymes, and either no history of coronary artery disease3,4 or known coronary artery disease of unknown significance.5 A positive stress echocardiography was obtained for 4.8% to 42% of patients in the cohorts. During 6 months of follow-up, cardiovascular events occurred in 4 of 145 patients (3%),3 22 of 227 patients (6%),4 and in 11 of 80 patients (14%).5 At 6-month follow-up, exercise stress echocardiography had a NPV of 99.3% and a PPV of 43%.3 Dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography had a NPV of 95% to 96% and a PPV of 25% to 31%.4,5

One retrospective review6 evaluated exercise and dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography and stress ECG for 661 low-risk outpatients (48% men, average age 58 years) with atypical chest pain. All patients had normal left ventricular function and no history of coronary artery disease and were followed for an average of 23 months. A positive stress echocardiography test occurred among 16% of the patient population.

During follow-up, 41 of 661 patients (6%) suffered a cardiovascular event. For either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography, the NPV was 99% at 12 months and 96% at 30 months. Patients with a positive stress echocardiography test and a negative stress ECG had a 66% event-free survival rate. Event-free survival rate for patients with a negative stress echocardiography and a positive or negative stress ECG was 97% and 96%, respectively.




Recommendations from others

The American College of Cardiology7 gives a Class I recommendation (tests for which there is evidence or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective) for standard echocardiogram for evaluation of chest pain for patients with suspected acute myocardial ischemia (when baseline ECG and other laboratory markers are nondiagnostic and when the study can be obtained during pain or within minutes after its abatement).

It gives a Class IIa recommendation (tests for which there is conflicting evidence or divergence of opinion, but favoring usefulness) to stress echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia for women with an intermediate pretest likelihood of coronary artery disease. It also gives a Class IIa recommendation to stress echocardiography for determining the prognosis of myocardial ischemia among patients for whom ECG assessment is less reliable. This group comprises patients with the following ECG abnormalities: pre-excitation syndrome (such as Wolff-Parkinson-White), electronically paced ventricular rhythm, more than 1 mm of ST depression at rest, and complete left bundle branch block.


Patients with atypical chest pain and no history of cardiovascular events (coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or history of percutaneous transthoracic coronary angioplasty [PTCA]) and a negative stress echocardiography test are unlikely to experience a cardiovascular event in the next 1 to 4 years. However, the positive predictive value of the test in this population is low, indicating that a positive stress echocardiography is less useful for prognostic purposes (strength of recommendation: B, based on multiple cohort studies).


Using stress echocardiography reduces need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain
Timothy Huber, MD
Oroville, Calif

Patients presenting to emergency and urgent care departments with atypical chest pain are a dilemma whenever their ECG and biomarkers are nondiagnostic. Graded exercise stress testing to further define risk is not effective in many patient populations: including some women, patients with mobility problems, and patients with underlying conduction issues such as pre-excitation syndromes, left bundle branch blocks, and ventricular pacemakers. Stress echocardiography is a reasonable alternative for such patients. While physicians may take a negative test at face value in this clinical setting, a positive test is not diagnostic and will often necessitate further workup. Using stress echocardiography therefore reduces but does not eliminate the need for diagnostic cardiac catheterization for atypical chest pain.


Evidence summary

A prospective cohort study1 evaluated dobutamine or dipyridamole pharmacologic stress echocardiography among 904 primary care patients with either typical or atypical chest pain. Patients were enrolled into the study if they had normal resting wall motion, sinus rhythm, and had no history of coronary artery disease, unstable angina, or PTCA. Patients (average age 61 years, 42% men) were followed for an average of 44 months for primary cardiovascular endpoints (fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction [MI], unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death). A negative or positive stress echocardiography is defined as the absence or presence of abnormal cardiac wall motion on either exercise or pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Eighteen percent of patients had a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Over the length of the study, 81 of 904 patients (9%) suffered a cardiovascular event. Patients with a negative pharmacologic stress echocardiography had a mean annual probability of a cardiovascular event of 0.8% vs 8.5% with a positive pharmacologic stress echocardiography (P<0001). The 4-year infarct-free negative predictive value (NPV) of pharmacologic stress echocardiography was 97%, and the positive predictive value (PPV) was 70%.

A similar prospective cohort study2 evaluated 105 patients (50% men) with atypical chest pain in an emergency department setting with either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography. The average patient age was 55 years and follow-up was 2.8 years. Patients were clinically stable, had normal or nondiagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG), normal cardiac enzymes, normal left ventricular function, and no history of coronary artery disease or unstable angina. Cardiovascular endpoints included fatal or nonfatal MI, unstable angina, PTCA, or cardiac death. A total of 7 patients (7%) suffered a cardiovascular event during the follow-up period. Positive stress echocardiography results occurred for 9% of patients. The NPV was 99% and the PPV was 75%.

Three other cohort studies3-5 evaluated exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography for a total of 615 patients (48%–67% men, average age 56–58 years) presenting to an emergency department with classical cardiac or atypical chest pain. Patients had normal or nondiagnostic ECG, negative cardiac enzymes, and either no history of coronary artery disease3,4 or known coronary artery disease of unknown significance.5 A positive stress echocardiography was obtained for 4.8% to 42% of patients in the cohorts. During 6 months of follow-up, cardiovascular events occurred in 4 of 145 patients (3%),3 22 of 227 patients (6%),4 and in 11 of 80 patients (14%).5 At 6-month follow-up, exercise stress echocardiography had a NPV of 99.3% and a PPV of 43%.3 Dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography had a NPV of 95% to 96% and a PPV of 25% to 31%.4,5

One retrospective review6 evaluated exercise and dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography and stress ECG for 661 low-risk outpatients (48% men, average age 58 years) with atypical chest pain. All patients had normal left ventricular function and no history of coronary artery disease and were followed for an average of 23 months. A positive stress echocardiography test occurred among 16% of the patient population.

During follow-up, 41 of 661 patients (6%) suffered a cardiovascular event. For either exercise or dobutamine/atropine stress echocardiography, the NPV was 99% at 12 months and 96% at 30 months. Patients with a positive stress echocardiography test and a negative stress ECG had a 66% event-free survival rate. Event-free survival rate for patients with a negative stress echocardiography and a positive or negative stress ECG was 97% and 96%, respectively.




Recommendations from others

The American College of Cardiology7 gives a Class I recommendation (tests for which there is evidence or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective) for standard echocardiogram for evaluation of chest pain for patients with suspected acute myocardial ischemia (when baseline ECG and other laboratory markers are nondiagnostic and when the study can be obtained during pain or within minutes after its abatement).

It gives a Class IIa recommendation (tests for which there is conflicting evidence or divergence of opinion, but favoring usefulness) to stress echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia for women with an intermediate pretest likelihood of coronary artery disease. It also gives a Class IIa recommendation to stress echocardiography for determining the prognosis of myocardial ischemia among patients for whom ECG assessment is less reliable. This group comprises patients with the following ECG abnormalities: pre-excitation syndrome (such as Wolff-Parkinson-White), electronically paced ventricular rhythm, more than 1 mm of ST depression at rest, and complete left bundle branch block.


1. Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, et al. Usefulness of pharmacologic stress echocardiography for the long-term prognostic assessment of patients with typical versus atypical chest pain. Am J Cardiol 2003;91:440-442.

2. Colon PJ, 3rd, Cheirif J. Long-term value of stress echocardiography in the triage of patients with atypical chest pain presenting to the emergency department. Echocardiography 1999;16:171-177.

3. Buchsbaum M, Marshall E, Levine B, et al. Emergency department evaluation of chest pain using exercise stress echocardiography. Acad Emerg Med 2001;8:196-199.

4. Bholasingh R, Cornel JH, Kamp O, et al. Prognostic value of predischarge dobutamine stress echocardiography in chest pain patients with a negative cardiac troponin T. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:596-602.

5. Geleijnse ML, Elhendy A, Kasprzak JD, et al. Safety and prognostic value of early dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography in patients with spontaneous chest pain and a nondiagnostic electrocardiogram. Eur Heart J 2000;21:397-406.

6. Colon PJ, 3rd, Mobarek SK, Milani RV, et al. Prognostic value of stress echocardiography in the evaluation of atypical chest pain patients without known coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1998;81:545-551.

7. ACC/AHA/ASE 2003 guideline update for the clinical application of echocardiography: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. (ACC/AHA/ASE Committee to update the 1997 guidelines for the clinical application of echocardiography.) Available at: Accessed on September 6, 2006.


1. Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, et al. Usefulness of pharmacologic stress echocardiography for the long-term prognostic assessment of patients with typical versus atypical chest pain. Am J Cardiol 2003;91:440-442.

2. Colon PJ, 3rd, Cheirif J. Long-term value of stress echocardiography in the triage of patients with atypical chest pain presenting to the emergency department. Echocardiography 1999;16:171-177.

3. Buchsbaum M, Marshall E, Levine B, et al. Emergency department evaluation of chest pain using exercise stress echocardiography. Acad Emerg Med 2001;8:196-199.

4. Bholasingh R, Cornel JH, Kamp O, et al. Prognostic value of predischarge dobutamine stress echocardiography in chest pain patients with a negative cardiac troponin T. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:596-602.

5. Geleijnse ML, Elhendy A, Kasprzak JD, et al. Safety and prognostic value of early dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography in patients with spontaneous chest pain and a nondiagnostic electrocardiogram. Eur Heart J 2000;21:397-406.

6. Colon PJ, 3rd, Mobarek SK, Milani RV, et al. Prognostic value of stress echocardiography in the evaluation of atypical chest pain patients without known coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1998;81:545-551.

7. ACC/AHA/ASE 2003 guideline update for the clinical application of echocardiography: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. (ACC/AHA/ASE Committee to update the 1997 guidelines for the clinical application of echocardiography.) Available at: Accessed on September 6, 2006.

The Journal of Family Practice - 55(10)
The Journal of Family Practice - 55(10)
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What is the prognostic value of stress echocardiography for patients with atypical chest pain?
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What is the prognostic value of stress echocardiography for patients with atypical chest pain?
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What are hospital admission criteria for infants with bronchiolitis?

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Mon, 01/14/2019 - 11:15
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What are hospital admission criteria for infants with bronchiolitis?

Clinical judgment remains the gold standard for hospital admission of infants with bronchiolitis, and it cannot be replaced by objective criteria (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on prospective and retrospective cohort and retrospective case-control studies). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) is the most consistent clinical predictor of deterioration, though different investigators vary cutoffs from 90% to 95% SaO2 and the vast majority of infants with saturations in this range do well (SOR: B, based upon prospective cohort studies).


The key is being able to identify a “sick” child
Mike Polizzotto, MD
Rockford Family Medicine Residency Program, Rockford, Ill

As a medical student I was taught that one of the most important skills I could develop is the ability to look at a child and know whether he or she is “really sick” or “not so sick.” In determining which patients with bronchiolitis I admit to the hospital, I look at findings such as age (<3 months), medical history, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate and effort. I also evaluate less tangible data, including the parents’ level of comfort taking their child home, and the number of visits they have already made to the emergency department or clinic for this same problem. For me, a pulse oximetry reading of 93% (or any other individual finding) does not mandate admission. Although one might hope for more objective evidence upon which to base decisions, those of us who are comfortable using this type of gestalt will find the results of this inquiry reassuring.


Evidence summary

Bronchiolitis is the most common diagnosis among hospitalized infants aged <1 year in the US.1 It is usually mild with a self-limited course. A 1997 study following 1113 healthy full-term infants through 20 consecutive winter seasons showed a 5% hospitalization rate of all infants with a positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cult\ure (hospitalization rates with other pathogens were not reported), confirming the mild nature of most cases of bronchiolitis.2 RSV accounts for 50% to 80% of bronchiolitis, along with other pathogens such as parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, and human metapneumovirus. A recent analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 1979 to 1997 showed that an average of 95 children died annually in the US from bronchiolitis, and 77% of these were aged <1 year (median age at death was 3 months).3

When discrete measures such as vital signs and scoring scales for respiratory distress are compared, infants who have mild disease courses are very similar to those who subsequently have a more severe illness. This, combined with the low incidence of serious illness, lowers the predictive value of any single clinical criteria for hospital admission (including oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, apparent respiratory distress, and day of illness) to the degree that no objective criteria are useful to make a decision for or against hospitalization.4,5

In 2 good-quality retrospective case-control studies, which enrolled infants with milder disease discharged from emergency departments, no infants returned with illness severe enough to require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).5,6 No criteria were found that could predict subsequent severe course and need for admission.

One good-quality prospective study that enrolled 213 infants, younger than 13 months and presenting with bronchiolitis as outpatients found that physician impression of appearance was a better predictor of severe illness than numeric scoring systems such as the Yale Observation Scale or the Clinical Asthma Score.7 Pulse oximetry (<95%), prematurity (<34 weeks gestational age), respiratory rate >70/minute, atelectasis, “ill” or “toxic” appearance, and age <3 months were associated with more severe illness (defined as inability to remain alert and active or well hydrated throughout their illness). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) <95% was the most objective predictor of severity (positive predictive value=87%; negative predictive value=73%). The study population was more ill than what is typical in outpatient settings (42% required admission and 11% required mechanical ventilation); therefore the positive predictive value would be lower in a milder, more typical outpatient population.




In a retrospective case-control study of 542 otherwise healthy full-term infants aged <1 year admitted for bronchiolitis with positive RSV tests, tachypnea (rate >80) and hypoxia (SaO2<85%) were predictive of the need for pediatric ICU–level care (the specificity for predicting deterioration was 97%, but the sensitivity was only 30%).4 The authors concluded that the use of any specific variable for a single patient is limited because of its low sensitivity for detecting the risk of an adverse outcome.

Several studies have attempted to define admission criteria or decision-making tools for admission of these infants, but all used the clinical opinion of the attending pediatrician as their gold standard and many excluded infants discharged within 24 hours, thus limiting their applicability to an outpatient population.4,7-10 Common criteria in these studies were an SaO2 ≤93% or history of complicating illness such as congenital heart disease, prematurity, or lung disease, plus the clinical impression of the attending physician.

Risk factors for deterioration in infants with bronchiolitis

Initial presentation
  1. Tachypnea (respiratory rate >60–80) or retractions
  2. Hypoxia: cutoffs ranging from SaO2 <90% to <95%
  3. Difficulty feeding or dehydration
AgeAge <12 months
The lower the age, the higher the risk
ComorbiditiesBronchopulmonary dysplasia
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital heart disease
PrematurityGestational age at birth <36 weeks
OtherLower annual family income4

Recommendations from others

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not have a guideline addressing this issue. The only guideline listed at the National Guidelines Clearinghouse was a 2005 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center guideline for managing infants with bronchiolitis; it is grounded in assuring good patient oxygenation and hydration.11 This guideline does not give specific criteria for admission but leaves this decision to the judgment of the physician. It also notes that the benefits of hospitalization center on the ability to closely monitor clinical status (including airway maintenance and hydration) and educating parents. The guideline recommends starting supplemental oxygen when SaO2 is consistently less than 91% and weaning when higher than 94%.


1. Leader S, Kohlhase MS. Recent trends in severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among US infants, 1997 to 2000. J Pediatr 2003;143:S127-S132.

2. Fisher RG, Gruber WC, Edwards KM, et al. Twenty years of outpatient respiratory syncytial virus infection: a framework for vaccine efficacy trials. Pediatrics 1997;99(2):E7.-

3. Shay DK, Holman RC, Roosevelt GE, Clarke MJ, Anderson LJ. Bronchiolitis-associated mortality and estimates of respiratory syncytial virus–associated deaths among US children, 1979–1997. J Infect Dis 2001;183:16-22.

4. Brooks AM, McBride JT, McConnochie KM, Aviram M, Long C, Hall CB. Predicting deterioration in previously healthy infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus infection. Pediatrics 1999;104:463-467.

5. Roback MG, Baskin MN. Failure of oxygen saturation and clinical assessment to predict which patients with bronchiolitis discharged from the emergency department will return requiring admission. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997;13:9-11.

6. Johnson DW, Adair C, Brant R, Holmwood J, Mitchell I. Differences in admission rates of children with bronchiolitis by pediatric and general emergency departments. Pediatrics 2002;110:E49.-

7. Shaw KN, Bell LM, Sherman NH. Outpatient assessment of infants with bronchiolitis. Am J Dis Child 1991;145:151-155.

8. Mulholland EK, Olinsky A, Shann FA. Clinical findings and severity of acute bronchiolitis. Lancet 1990;335:1259-1261.

9. Mai TV, Selby AM, Simpson JM, Isaacs D. Use of simple clinical parameters to assess severity of bronchiolitis. J Paediatr Child Health 1995;31:465-468.

10. Walsh P, Rothenberg SJ, O’Doherty S, Hoey H, Healy R. A validated clinical model to predict the need for admission and length of stay in children with acute bronchiolitis. Eur J Emerg Med 2004;11:265-272.

11. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center website. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline: Bronchiolitis in infants less than 1 year of age presenting with a first time episode. Last updated 2005. Available at: Accessed on December 7, 2005

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Isabel Lind, MD
John H. Gill, MD
Waco Family Medicine Residency Program, Waco, Tex

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus Library at Cooper, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

The Journal of Family Practice - 55(1)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Isabel Lind, MD
John H. Gill, MD
Waco Family Medicine Residency Program, Waco, Tex

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus Library at Cooper, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Author and Disclosure Information

Isabel Lind, MD
John H. Gill, MD
Waco Family Medicine Residency Program, Waco, Tex

Nancy Calabretta, MS, MEd
UMDNJ Camden Campus Library at Cooper, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ

Article PDF
Article PDF

Clinical judgment remains the gold standard for hospital admission of infants with bronchiolitis, and it cannot be replaced by objective criteria (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on prospective and retrospective cohort and retrospective case-control studies). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) is the most consistent clinical predictor of deterioration, though different investigators vary cutoffs from 90% to 95% SaO2 and the vast majority of infants with saturations in this range do well (SOR: B, based upon prospective cohort studies).


The key is being able to identify a “sick” child
Mike Polizzotto, MD
Rockford Family Medicine Residency Program, Rockford, Ill

As a medical student I was taught that one of the most important skills I could develop is the ability to look at a child and know whether he or she is “really sick” or “not so sick.” In determining which patients with bronchiolitis I admit to the hospital, I look at findings such as age (<3 months), medical history, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate and effort. I also evaluate less tangible data, including the parents’ level of comfort taking their child home, and the number of visits they have already made to the emergency department or clinic for this same problem. For me, a pulse oximetry reading of 93% (or any other individual finding) does not mandate admission. Although one might hope for more objective evidence upon which to base decisions, those of us who are comfortable using this type of gestalt will find the results of this inquiry reassuring.


Evidence summary

Bronchiolitis is the most common diagnosis among hospitalized infants aged <1 year in the US.1 It is usually mild with a self-limited course. A 1997 study following 1113 healthy full-term infants through 20 consecutive winter seasons showed a 5% hospitalization rate of all infants with a positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cult\ure (hospitalization rates with other pathogens were not reported), confirming the mild nature of most cases of bronchiolitis.2 RSV accounts for 50% to 80% of bronchiolitis, along with other pathogens such as parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, and human metapneumovirus. A recent analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 1979 to 1997 showed that an average of 95 children died annually in the US from bronchiolitis, and 77% of these were aged <1 year (median age at death was 3 months).3

When discrete measures such as vital signs and scoring scales for respiratory distress are compared, infants who have mild disease courses are very similar to those who subsequently have a more severe illness. This, combined with the low incidence of serious illness, lowers the predictive value of any single clinical criteria for hospital admission (including oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, apparent respiratory distress, and day of illness) to the degree that no objective criteria are useful to make a decision for or against hospitalization.4,5

In 2 good-quality retrospective case-control studies, which enrolled infants with milder disease discharged from emergency departments, no infants returned with illness severe enough to require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).5,6 No criteria were found that could predict subsequent severe course and need for admission.

One good-quality prospective study that enrolled 213 infants, younger than 13 months and presenting with bronchiolitis as outpatients found that physician impression of appearance was a better predictor of severe illness than numeric scoring systems such as the Yale Observation Scale or the Clinical Asthma Score.7 Pulse oximetry (<95%), prematurity (<34 weeks gestational age), respiratory rate >70/minute, atelectasis, “ill” or “toxic” appearance, and age <3 months were associated with more severe illness (defined as inability to remain alert and active or well hydrated throughout their illness). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) <95% was the most objective predictor of severity (positive predictive value=87%; negative predictive value=73%). The study population was more ill than what is typical in outpatient settings (42% required admission and 11% required mechanical ventilation); therefore the positive predictive value would be lower in a milder, more typical outpatient population.




In a retrospective case-control study of 542 otherwise healthy full-term infants aged <1 year admitted for bronchiolitis with positive RSV tests, tachypnea (rate >80) and hypoxia (SaO2<85%) were predictive of the need for pediatric ICU–level care (the specificity for predicting deterioration was 97%, but the sensitivity was only 30%).4 The authors concluded that the use of any specific variable for a single patient is limited because of its low sensitivity for detecting the risk of an adverse outcome.

Several studies have attempted to define admission criteria or decision-making tools for admission of these infants, but all used the clinical opinion of the attending pediatrician as their gold standard and many excluded infants discharged within 24 hours, thus limiting their applicability to an outpatient population.4,7-10 Common criteria in these studies were an SaO2 ≤93% or history of complicating illness such as congenital heart disease, prematurity, or lung disease, plus the clinical impression of the attending physician.

Risk factors for deterioration in infants with bronchiolitis

Initial presentation
  1. Tachypnea (respiratory rate >60–80) or retractions
  2. Hypoxia: cutoffs ranging from SaO2 <90% to <95%
  3. Difficulty feeding or dehydration
AgeAge <12 months
The lower the age, the higher the risk
ComorbiditiesBronchopulmonary dysplasia
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital heart disease
PrematurityGestational age at birth <36 weeks
OtherLower annual family income4

Recommendations from others

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not have a guideline addressing this issue. The only guideline listed at the National Guidelines Clearinghouse was a 2005 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center guideline for managing infants with bronchiolitis; it is grounded in assuring good patient oxygenation and hydration.11 This guideline does not give specific criteria for admission but leaves this decision to the judgment of the physician. It also notes that the benefits of hospitalization center on the ability to closely monitor clinical status (including airway maintenance and hydration) and educating parents. The guideline recommends starting supplemental oxygen when SaO2 is consistently less than 91% and weaning when higher than 94%.


Clinical judgment remains the gold standard for hospital admission of infants with bronchiolitis, and it cannot be replaced by objective criteria (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on prospective and retrospective cohort and retrospective case-control studies). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) is the most consistent clinical predictor of deterioration, though different investigators vary cutoffs from 90% to 95% SaO2 and the vast majority of infants with saturations in this range do well (SOR: B, based upon prospective cohort studies).


The key is being able to identify a “sick” child
Mike Polizzotto, MD
Rockford Family Medicine Residency Program, Rockford, Ill

As a medical student I was taught that one of the most important skills I could develop is the ability to look at a child and know whether he or she is “really sick” or “not so sick.” In determining which patients with bronchiolitis I admit to the hospital, I look at findings such as age (<3 months), medical history, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate and effort. I also evaluate less tangible data, including the parents’ level of comfort taking their child home, and the number of visits they have already made to the emergency department or clinic for this same problem. For me, a pulse oximetry reading of 93% (or any other individual finding) does not mandate admission. Although one might hope for more objective evidence upon which to base decisions, those of us who are comfortable using this type of gestalt will find the results of this inquiry reassuring.


Evidence summary

Bronchiolitis is the most common diagnosis among hospitalized infants aged <1 year in the US.1 It is usually mild with a self-limited course. A 1997 study following 1113 healthy full-term infants through 20 consecutive winter seasons showed a 5% hospitalization rate of all infants with a positive respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cult\ure (hospitalization rates with other pathogens were not reported), confirming the mild nature of most cases of bronchiolitis.2 RSV accounts for 50% to 80% of bronchiolitis, along with other pathogens such as parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, and human metapneumovirus. A recent analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 1979 to 1997 showed that an average of 95 children died annually in the US from bronchiolitis, and 77% of these were aged <1 year (median age at death was 3 months).3

When discrete measures such as vital signs and scoring scales for respiratory distress are compared, infants who have mild disease courses are very similar to those who subsequently have a more severe illness. This, combined with the low incidence of serious illness, lowers the predictive value of any single clinical criteria for hospital admission (including oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, apparent respiratory distress, and day of illness) to the degree that no objective criteria are useful to make a decision for or against hospitalization.4,5

In 2 good-quality retrospective case-control studies, which enrolled infants with milder disease discharged from emergency departments, no infants returned with illness severe enough to require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).5,6 No criteria were found that could predict subsequent severe course and need for admission.

One good-quality prospective study that enrolled 213 infants, younger than 13 months and presenting with bronchiolitis as outpatients found that physician impression of appearance was a better predictor of severe illness than numeric scoring systems such as the Yale Observation Scale or the Clinical Asthma Score.7 Pulse oximetry (<95%), prematurity (<34 weeks gestational age), respiratory rate >70/minute, atelectasis, “ill” or “toxic” appearance, and age <3 months were associated with more severe illness (defined as inability to remain alert and active or well hydrated throughout their illness). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) <95% was the most objective predictor of severity (positive predictive value=87%; negative predictive value=73%). The study population was more ill than what is typical in outpatient settings (42% required admission and 11% required mechanical ventilation); therefore the positive predictive value would be lower in a milder, more typical outpatient population.




In a retrospective case-control study of 542 otherwise healthy full-term infants aged <1 year admitted for bronchiolitis with positive RSV tests, tachypnea (rate >80) and hypoxia (SaO2<85%) were predictive of the need for pediatric ICU–level care (the specificity for predicting deterioration was 97%, but the sensitivity was only 30%).4 The authors concluded that the use of any specific variable for a single patient is limited because of its low sensitivity for detecting the risk of an adverse outcome.

Several studies have attempted to define admission criteria or decision-making tools for admission of these infants, but all used the clinical opinion of the attending pediatrician as their gold standard and many excluded infants discharged within 24 hours, thus limiting their applicability to an outpatient population.4,7-10 Common criteria in these studies were an SaO2 ≤93% or history of complicating illness such as congenital heart disease, prematurity, or lung disease, plus the clinical impression of the attending physician.

Risk factors for deterioration in infants with bronchiolitis

Initial presentation
  1. Tachypnea (respiratory rate >60–80) or retractions
  2. Hypoxia: cutoffs ranging from SaO2 <90% to <95%
  3. Difficulty feeding or dehydration
AgeAge <12 months
The lower the age, the higher the risk
ComorbiditiesBronchopulmonary dysplasia
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital heart disease
PrematurityGestational age at birth <36 weeks
OtherLower annual family income4

Recommendations from others

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not have a guideline addressing this issue. The only guideline listed at the National Guidelines Clearinghouse was a 2005 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center guideline for managing infants with bronchiolitis; it is grounded in assuring good patient oxygenation and hydration.11 This guideline does not give specific criteria for admission but leaves this decision to the judgment of the physician. It also notes that the benefits of hospitalization center on the ability to closely monitor clinical status (including airway maintenance and hydration) and educating parents. The guideline recommends starting supplemental oxygen when SaO2 is consistently less than 91% and weaning when higher than 94%.


1. Leader S, Kohlhase MS. Recent trends in severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among US infants, 1997 to 2000. J Pediatr 2003;143:S127-S132.

2. Fisher RG, Gruber WC, Edwards KM, et al. Twenty years of outpatient respiratory syncytial virus infection: a framework for vaccine efficacy trials. Pediatrics 1997;99(2):E7.-

3. Shay DK, Holman RC, Roosevelt GE, Clarke MJ, Anderson LJ. Bronchiolitis-associated mortality and estimates of respiratory syncytial virus–associated deaths among US children, 1979–1997. J Infect Dis 2001;183:16-22.

4. Brooks AM, McBride JT, McConnochie KM, Aviram M, Long C, Hall CB. Predicting deterioration in previously healthy infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus infection. Pediatrics 1999;104:463-467.

5. Roback MG, Baskin MN. Failure of oxygen saturation and clinical assessment to predict which patients with bronchiolitis discharged from the emergency department will return requiring admission. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997;13:9-11.

6. Johnson DW, Adair C, Brant R, Holmwood J, Mitchell I. Differences in admission rates of children with bronchiolitis by pediatric and general emergency departments. Pediatrics 2002;110:E49.-

7. Shaw KN, Bell LM, Sherman NH. Outpatient assessment of infants with bronchiolitis. Am J Dis Child 1991;145:151-155.

8. Mulholland EK, Olinsky A, Shann FA. Clinical findings and severity of acute bronchiolitis. Lancet 1990;335:1259-1261.

9. Mai TV, Selby AM, Simpson JM, Isaacs D. Use of simple clinical parameters to assess severity of bronchiolitis. J Paediatr Child Health 1995;31:465-468.

10. Walsh P, Rothenberg SJ, O’Doherty S, Hoey H, Healy R. A validated clinical model to predict the need for admission and length of stay in children with acute bronchiolitis. Eur J Emerg Med 2004;11:265-272.

11. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center website. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline: Bronchiolitis in infants less than 1 year of age presenting with a first time episode. Last updated 2005. Available at: Accessed on December 7, 2005


1. Leader S, Kohlhase MS. Recent trends in severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among US infants, 1997 to 2000. J Pediatr 2003;143:S127-S132.

2. Fisher RG, Gruber WC, Edwards KM, et al. Twenty years of outpatient respiratory syncytial virus infection: a framework for vaccine efficacy trials. Pediatrics 1997;99(2):E7.-

3. Shay DK, Holman RC, Roosevelt GE, Clarke MJ, Anderson LJ. Bronchiolitis-associated mortality and estimates of respiratory syncytial virus–associated deaths among US children, 1979–1997. J Infect Dis 2001;183:16-22.

4. Brooks AM, McBride JT, McConnochie KM, Aviram M, Long C, Hall CB. Predicting deterioration in previously healthy infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus infection. Pediatrics 1999;104:463-467.

5. Roback MG, Baskin MN. Failure of oxygen saturation and clinical assessment to predict which patients with bronchiolitis discharged from the emergency department will return requiring admission. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997;13:9-11.

6. Johnson DW, Adair C, Brant R, Holmwood J, Mitchell I. Differences in admission rates of children with bronchiolitis by pediatric and general emergency departments. Pediatrics 2002;110:E49.-

7. Shaw KN, Bell LM, Sherman NH. Outpatient assessment of infants with bronchiolitis. Am J Dis Child 1991;145:151-155.

8. Mulholland EK, Olinsky A, Shann FA. Clinical findings and severity of acute bronchiolitis. Lancet 1990;335:1259-1261.

9. Mai TV, Selby AM, Simpson JM, Isaacs D. Use of simple clinical parameters to assess severity of bronchiolitis. J Paediatr Child Health 1995;31:465-468.

10. Walsh P, Rothenberg SJ, O’Doherty S, Hoey H, Healy R. A validated clinical model to predict the need for admission and length of stay in children with acute bronchiolitis. Eur J Emerg Med 2004;11:265-272.

11. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center website. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline: Bronchiolitis in infants less than 1 year of age presenting with a first time episode. Last updated 2005. Available at: Accessed on December 7, 2005

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What are hospital admission criteria for infants with bronchiolitis?
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What are hospital admission criteria for infants with bronchiolitis?
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